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The stories on this category are all posts I'm doing in the Collaborative Writing ORPG group called Spira which is at ezboards and has been going for over a year. English, Videogame, Action-Adventure

OOC Info:

Username: Renmiri Name: Renmiri Gender: F

Character info:

  • Name: Yara
  • Age: 19
  • Gender: F
  • Home: Yara has been dead since the war. She used to live in Besaid but was moving to Luca with her lover Cell when their ship was attacked. Both died and went to the farplane.
  • Occupation: Nurse / Apprentice Healer. Yara used to work at Bevelle's healing center since she was 15, following on the footsteps of her mother. When the war started she still tried to keep her job but considering everyone one knows her father is from Zanarkand that proved difficult. Eventually she left to restart her life in Luca but she never made it there.
  • Description: Yara has a full head of silvery white hair and is very beautiful but she resembles her Zanarkand father and his family so her looks weren't that popular in Bevelle, particularly after the war started.

[image noborder]yara2s4ny.jpg[/image]

  • Personality: Her generous heart and dedication as a healer make her a caring, dedicated healer to her patient of the hour. But for non-patients Yara is aloof and distant, because she is very weary of letting herself get emotionally attached to anything and anyone. When alive, Yara lost both her parents and had to toil away at her job where everyone mistreated her. This sudden turn of events on her life happened when she was 15 and left Yara with little time to be a teenager. She has turned from an ugly duckling into a swan in the midst of it so she never noticed how beautiful she has become. Along with her boyfriend Cell, one of the few who treated her decently at the hospital, she tried to start over in Luca but her death cut that hope short.
  • Weapons: Yara is mainly a healer with white mage skills. She does not know how to cast Holy yet but she knows most of the White Mage spells. She has no weapons.
  • Alliance: Good. Yara knows what it feels to be poor and downtrodden. She hates greedy, powerful politicians that came up with the war that, in her view, destroyed her life.
  • Personal possessions: Yara has none. She lost what little she had when her ship submerged taking her and Cell with it. Her greatest treasure is the new chance she gets at life, in a world where her connections to Zanarkand are not reviled like they were when she was alive.
  • Strengths: Yara has a very strong talent for magic and summoning but it is undeveloped. She is also very good with kids, with the sick and the elderly and she truly enjoys helping people. Her stunning looks help her sometimes but she is completely unaware of the effect she has on people and therefore never takes advantage of it.
  • Weaknesses: Yara has no weapons and has never battled anything in her life. She also has no gil or any possessions. She also is very hurt and traumatized by all that has happened to her after the war started so she is very weary of people. Her life ended before it barely had started so she has little experience about the world at large.
  • History: Up until she was 14 everything was OK in her life. Yara wanted to be a healer and started working at Bevelle's large healing center, as an intern where her mother worked as a nurse. Her father was a reasonably prosperous business man from a respected family in Zanarkand and sold Zanarkand stuff in Bevelle at his shop.

At 15 her life changed forever: Her father got called away to Zanarkand and never made it back, because the war had started and he was one of it's first casualties. Bevelle's troops took everything that her father owned away, confiscated due to the war. To make matters worse, her mother fell ill. At 16 she was left supporting her sick mother and at 17 she was orphaned of both mother and father and was being ostracized in Bevelle due to her family ties to Zanarkand

[i](OOC she was treated a bit like the Japanese were treated in WWII, in my imagination) [/i]

Yara adored her father and having him and his family reviled by people in Bevelle hurt her a lot, but losing him to the war hurt a lot more. She and her mother hit hard times as they had no family in Bevelle and her mother got sick. Yara's low income as a healer's apprentice was all that sustained them. When she was 17 her mother passed away and Yara was left alone in the world.

Her mentor Kyou and a few people at the healing center tried to help Yara, making it possible for her to keep her job. But every year that passed made Bevelle's people more angry at Zanarkand and by the time she was 19 her ability to work in Bevelle was almost gone.

In that year Yara fell in love - or thought she did - with Cell, one of the few at the healing center that still treated her well. He was a 21 year old orderly that was also an orphan with few friends and they felt driven to each other due to their similar fate. He used all his savings to buy tickets for him and Yara to travel to Luca, where they would try to build a new life in a place away from the war and from the people that looked at Yara with hate in their eyes.

  • Special Requests: Yara's boyfriend Cell isn't coming back (or if he does, he will side with Amon just to punish all Spira). Any eligible bachelors around ? (I'm thinking Beclem or Ifrit's fayth - In my fan Fiction Yara had a thing for fire Aeons ;) )
  • Sample post: Yara looked at the sea longingly. She felt the tears coming. No one she left behind after a lifetime in Bevelle would miss her. The people who would miss her were already in the Farplane. At 15 her life held so much promise! Now all that remained was a tiny ship in the midst of a huge ocean, a faint glimmer of hope of something better at the end of the journey.

But what if things took a turn for the worse again ? What if Luca got attacked ? Yara couldn't bear the thought. Not again, better to end it now then. She yearned to jump into the ocean and loose herself in it's immensity. Would anyone, anyone at all, miss her ?

Cell probably would, for a while at least. But he was young and strong and would move on eventually. After a year or two she would be just a blurry sphere tucked into one of his drawers, in the new house he would build with a new woman. A fleeting memory... No more solid than the faint white foam that topped the ocean's little wavelets.

That was all that she had managed to be, after 19 years on this world. To some she was the face of the enemy. To others she was the poor little orphan to pity. To no one she was Yara. Not even to Cell. She hadn't dared share her inner thoughts with him. She kept her distance. Fate had the habit of taking everything she loved away from her, so she would not tempt it by letting Cell into her heart. Not too much. Not enough to take a piece of it if he was taken from her.

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