
From Vaporstory

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Earth is the name given to a fictional planet referred to by ancient philosophers and historians of Minerva. Named for the element of physical matter, Earth was used as a hypothetical example of Utopian idealism by the theorist Inabor. In his treatise Terra Dichota, he creates the idea of a world in which language, common knowledge, and custom are derived from a single source.

Historicity of Earth

There is no evidence for anything resembling the Earth of oral tradition. As the gifted scholar Rhemid remarked, "Notions of psuedohistory have no place in academia." Nevertheless, Earth has been used as the subject of frequent myth in older cultures, peaking in popularity some three hundred years ago with the advent of popular entertainment. Today Earth has been replaced by the more convincing Planet Lonamona stories for juvenile readers, providing a fully developed Utopian setting for their enjoyment.

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