
From Vaporstory

Revision as of 00:14, 3 March 2007 by Wehpudicabok (Talk | contribs)
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My Name is Jaymee Christian Thornburg Frank and I'm a bit off, but in a good way I swear. I go to a pretty good high school here in Sin City. We have the usual drama but with less shootings and more fires. I dig music, noncurrent history, movies, and most of all, all tech. Yes I am a geek. If I don't know how it works I'm willing to open it up to learn how.My Favorite phrase is "Chabudai Gaeshi". Favorite art is "La Belle Heaulmiere" and "The Caryatid Who Has Fallen Under The Weight Of Her Stone". My quote is "I'm sixteen and I'm crazy. My uncle says the two always go together. When people asked his age, he said, always say sixteen and insane."

    I'm currently learning to program. My worse mess ups have been putting the fatal back in 'fatal error' and causing a computer across the school to print 20 blank pages. My successes are every program that doesn't cause anything to smoke I guess.
   I have many good friends. They back me up when I need it and I expect they'd do the same. I classify them in two groups...The ones I'd take a nonfatal bullet for and the ones I'd take a near fatal if not fatal bullets for. If I can take a near fatal for you a reserve the right to also put that bullet in you.

Halcyon Days and Neverwinter Night eveyone. (And to all you Tower Junkies 'Long Days and Pleasent Nights')

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