Main Page

From Vaporstory

Revision as of 04:33, 24 February 2007 by Wehpudicabok (Talk | contribs)

Welcome to Vaporstory!

As this site is still brand new, there is not a lot to do yet, but for an idea of where we're going, please see Vaporstory:About and Vaporstory:Getting Started.

If you know me (Daniel) in real life, drop me a message at User talk:Wehpudicabok. I'll make you an admin.

Feel free to drop me a line also (Aaron) User talk:Coolaaron88. Im also an Admin; we welcome you to the ever changing world of Minerva. (So Far...)

Hello, yup its me (Josue), i just became an admin and its all thanks to dan ^_^. If you ever need help, just contact me or the other admins( I prefer the other admins because i haven't had much experience with this) User talk:Spriekachu.

Current list of articles

Until it gets too long, we'll keep a list of all of the articles that have been created here.

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