Vaporstory:World overview

From Vaporstory

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This page serves as a basic guide to the world of Vaporstory that allows new users to start contributing quickly and effectively without conflicting with established ideas.

The world of Vaporstory is a blend of science fiction and fantasy. The four intelligent races of the world of Minerva, the Ferrans, Amnans, Hentyans, and Enthans (collectively called humans, each evolved on a different continent, and came into contanct with each other over the course of several millennia. The four races have integrated, to a degree; nations are still separate, but there is little racial discrimination in any one nation or region.

Technology is highly advanced. Space travel has existed for almost two centuries and colonies on the nearby world of Riach are plenty, as well as a few colonies on other planets in the system. The combox, similar to a television, is the most common medium of mass communication.

Magic is as available to the masses as technology and is in common use throughout the world. New hybrid magical/technological developments are being researched at present, but little progress has been made and the field is new.

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