Minervan calendar

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The Minervan calendar is the system used by natives of Minerva and extraplanetary colonies by which the year is divided into days.



The year is the longest unit of time in common use by Minervans; longer spans of time, such as millennia, are simply multiples of years. One year is equal to 365 M-days.


Minerva is considered to have three seasons; each season has four spans.

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The span is a subdivision of the year, equal to 30 M-days. Originally, it followed the lunar cycle of Minerva's largest moon, Wan-Tsu, but it was adjusted over time to fit the 30-day unit it occupies today. In addition to the twelve spans of the year, there are five days without spans (and a sixth every four years), known as "passing-days."

Each of the twelve spans of the Minervan calendar has a unique name.


The M-day is the exact length of time which constitutes a Minervan day. Elsewhere within the solar system other days are used, such as the R-day employed on Riach. When not speaking of interplanetary matters, Minervans typically shorten this to just "day."

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