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      中国需要果断采取综合性的通胀治理措施,包括要求其他未受灾害影响地区加强农业生产,保证全国的供应量不会出现大幅下滑,对市场囤积居奇、发灾难财的炒作行为必须及时干预制止,并实施合理的限价保护政策,对于弱势群体更应给予适当补助,ww.lwvgy-2010 October Felix Salmon - Part 6_4,< span> < p> <h5>< h5> <p>华中地区正遭遇半世纪以来最严重的旱情,而作为中国主要的水电产区,那里的许多水电站水位降至危险水平,可能会让今年夏天的电力短缺情况更加严重。三峡水库已经向下游放出了超过170亿立方米的水,分析人士预计此举将有助于缓解湖北等稻米产区的旱情, Olympics-China send l。 < span> < p> <h5>< h5> <p>雀巢董事会主席包必达(Peter Brabeck)周二表示,用交易其他商品的方式来交易水资源,可以缓解全球的缺水问题,< span> < p> <h5>< h5> <p>据新华社周五报导,中国计划在旱区八省应急打井1,350眼,以免旱情危及粮食收成。报导称,国土资源部地质调查局将抽调技术骨干,成立应急找水小组,协助地方政府开展抗旱找水工作。新华社称,地勘队伍将携带先进物探设备100台及鉆机320台,初步实施鉆井1,350眼,重点解决丘陵山区人畜饮水困难问题,并加强农田灌溉工作支持力度。 < span> < p> <h5>< h5> <p>中国政府周六发布的2011年中央一号文件中明确称,力争未来10年水利年均投入较2010年高出一倍,并将从土地出让收益中提取10%用于农田水利建设,ww.lwvgy。在通胀压力增大背景下,凸显政府通过兴修水利,确保粮食供给的决心。 < span> < p> <h5>< h5> <p>中国水利部部长陈雷表示,今後五年中国水利发展的主要目标为,新增供水能力400亿立方米左右;全国万元GDP(国内生产总值)用水量降低到140立方米以下,万元工业增加值用水量降到80立方米以下。此外,将净增农田有效灌溉面积4,000万亩,新增高效节水灌溉面积5,000万亩;新增水土流失综合治理面积25万平方公里。    < span> < p> <h5>< h5> <p>中国国务院近日批复国内第一个国家水资源战略规划,提出到2020年万元国内生产总值(GDP)用水量较2008年降低50%左右,然後在此基础上到2030年再降40%的中长期目标,是国内推动节能减排计划的重要组成部分,< span> < p> <h5>< h5> <p>环保组织发动义工去大小泳滩拾垃圾,一如既往”丰收",学者在新闻发布会上直言维港水质目前未改善至适宜复办渡海泳。维港水质部分水域现时仍有恶臭,令岸边居民难受,影响大众共享维港的兴致。当局治理城门河,要清除淤泥治标,从污源头治本,收紧上流猪场的排污要求,改善工业区的排污系统。虽然河水至今未适宜游泳,但是两岸已经成为居民乐于亲近的好去处,治理维港的工程,远比城门河艰巨。 < span> < p> <h5>< h5> <p>中国金矿企业--紫金矿业称,就紫金山铜矿湿法厂渗漏造成汀江重大水污染事故,福建省环保当局决定对紫金山金铜矿罚款约956万元人民币,并责令采取治理措施以消除污染。紫金山金铜矿铜矿湿法厂先後两次发生含铜酸性溶液渗漏,造成汀江重大水污染事故,直接经济损失为3,187.71万元,根据相关法规作出上述行政处罚。 < span> < p> <h5>< h5> <p>世界银行独立评估小组(IEG)3月22日表示,世行需要对发展中国家最为紧迫的水资源稀缺问题予以更多关注。气候变化正给发展中国家带来日益严重的威胁。 < span> < p> < div> Dealtalk Suitors for Diamond brands have

      really fast," Pirko said. "This is a relatively simple game, checkers not chess. The issue is who will muster the boldness to advance across the board."< p>< span><p>In an interview with Reuters last week, Kellogg Chief Executive John Bryant declined to comment on his company's interest in Diamond or any of its brands. However he did say that Diamond's salty snack brands would fit better at Kellogg once it has Pringles.< p>< span><p>"You could say our ability to do bolt-on acquisitions has probably expanded with the addition of this business,ww.lwvgy," Bryant said on Wednesday.< p>< span><p>A Kraft spokesman said the company never comments on speculation. A spokesman for Diamond declined comment,     Chinas thirst for Australian wines golden.< p>< span><p>TOO MUCH TURBULENCE< p>< span><p>Diamond's former chief executive, March  Felix Salmon -, Michael Mendes,took the walnut cooperative public in 2005 and since then, tried to steer it away
     Kenyas richest man at crossroad


      Kenya's richest man at crossroads after ICC ruling< h1> < span>< span><p>NAIROBI< span> (Reuters) - Uhuru Kenyatta quit as Kenyan finance minister Thursday,ww.lwvgy, days after being indicted for crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court (ICC).< p>< span>< span><p>Kenyatta, Kenya's richest man with a fortune estimated by Forbes magazine at half a billion dollars, Nigeria central bank,is the son of Jomo Kenyatta, the country's first president after independence from Britain in 1963.< p>< span><p>Born in October 1961,my bike into my building F,two months after his father was released from detention by the British, Kenyatta attended an exclusive private school in the capital Nairobi. He then moved to the United States to study economics and political science at the prestigious Amherst College in Massachusetts.< p>< span><p>Back Japan not ready yet to pass non-tariff ba

      Barroso told reporters after he and European Council President Herman van Rompuy met Abe,ww.lwvgy.< p>< span><p>"We agreed that by spring 2014, we should be well advanced so as to demonstrate that such an ambitious agreement is possible and that commitments already made are being implemented."< p>< span><p>For Japan, the main prize is the elimination of import duties for its cars and electronics. Brussels,     WRAPUP 1-Soccer-Torres and Messi, on the other hand,is pushing for changes in Japanese rules and standards on a wide range of products from medical instruments to imported cars that hamper market access despite low or zero tariffs on many EU goods.< p>< span><p>The Europeans particularly hope for more business in such lucrative Japanese markets as processed food and rail and public transportation equipment.< p>< span><p>Japan, the world's third-largest economy,0.3 percent hysteria  Ja,is the EU's sixth-largest export market, buying 55 billion euros ($74.4 billion) worth
     fiddles, while Kiev burns The

      rapid entry into the European Union. But at least its people can dream of someday reaching this rule-of-law oasis. For them,reliance on Russia just means more of the status quo: corruption,ww.lwvgy,     India set to cancel, economic decline and political repression.< p>
      <p>So Russia’s loan failed to end the stalemate on the streets of Kiev,The crisis moved to a new level with Yanukovich’s cowardly decision to rush through legislation clamping down on all forms of political protest and dissent.< p>
      <p>The crucial political middle has seemingly disappeared; as opposition leader Arseniy Yatsenyuk exclaimed,he would than seek a compromise on Yanukovich’s terms. Additional offers of truce and a government shake-up have been roundly rejected by the opposition.< p>
      <p>The Kremlin is, no doubt, working behind the scenes to protect its interests in Ukraine. But publicly,my bike into my building  F, it can only grimly watch as events spin out of control. Without Ukraine, a huge part of Russia’s foreign policy ambitions — an integrated Eurasian economic union — falls by the wayside

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