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The Challenges Of Online Education
ollment in online education is at an all time high, according to a recent study Ugg Boots by the Sloan Consortium. Based on responses from more than 2,200 colleges and universities across the the study reveals that 3.2 million students took at least one online course in the fall Uggs Black Friday of 2005, an increase of 850,000 more than the year before.
With the rise in popularity of e-learning comes some unique challenges not extant with more traditional classrooms. Students need to be aware of the differences between online and traditional classes and be prepared to make the necessary adjustments. Significant challenges faced by online students include the following:
- Technical problems. Computer hardware and peripheral devices such as printers, modems and Ugg Boots UK routers are not indestructible; as with any other man-made device, they can break down or malfunction at the most inopportune time. In addition to equipment failure, an older computer may be incompatible with some software required for the course. Viruses, trojans, spyware and other malware could infect a computer, causing it to Ugg Boots UK Sale 2013 run poorly or not at all. A slow internet connection might cause problems logging into class, retrieving and submitting assignments, and posting to threaded discussions. Any of these problems could cause a great deal of frustration for the student trying to complete course assignments. Therefore, it is important for the student to have access to a backup computer to use in case of equipment malfunction.
- Staying motivated. Going to school always requires a certain level of motivation from a student regardless of whether it is a "bricks-and-mortar" institution or online class. In a traditional classroom setting, a student has live, face-to-face interaction with the instructor and fellow students -- a camaraderie that may help boost enthusiasm and motivation for the course. In an internet-based class however, there is no live contact with instructor and classmates -- the student works alone in a virtual environment. This lack of live contact may lead to a feeling of isolation, and make it difficult for a student without a high internal commitment or personal drive to stay motivated during the course.
- Self-discipline. As with motivation, a student needs good self-discipline to succeed online. The freedom and flexibility of e-learning is what’s so attractive to many people. There’s no obligation to login to class at any particular time or place -- you can go to class and do your assignments whenever it’s convenient for you. However, this same freedom can lead to procrastination, and cause the unwary or undisciplined student to fall behind in his assignments. Once behind, it can be difficult to catch up.
- It’s difficult to improve oral communication skills. There are many classes such as speech, drama, debate, teacher education and so forth that require the student to make oral presentations in front of a group of people. With online courses this is not practical, as the classroom is virtual, and the students are not all gathered together at one time in one room. A student wishing to improve oral communication skills may need to take these classes in a traditional classroom course.
- Classes with lab or hands-on requirements may not be available online. If a lab course cannot be simulated or practically offered online, a student will need to take the course at a local college campus or other location with the necessary facilities for completing the course work.
Students considering taking online courses need to be aware of these and other challenges, and be prepared to meet them in order to be successful online. If any challenge seems insurmountable, the student should reconsider the online option and perhaps take a traditional ground-based course instead.
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LED Lights A Brief Rundown on History and Uses
ht-Emitting Diodes, or LED lights--most of us have heard of them by now, but what makes them so special or significant? What do they do, and what are they used for? Well, because some are speculating that LEDs are "the way of the future," the answers to these questions may be more relevant to you than you might think!
Believe it or not, the first known incident of a solid-state diode emitting light was in 1907 when the English Ugg Boots UK scientist H.J. Round was experimenting in Marconi Labs; he reported that a crystal of silicon carbide emanated an electroluminescence while he was using a cat's-whisker detector (which is a device meant to work with semiconducting crystals).
This report was likely dismissed as a strange anomaly, as was Oleg Vladimirovich Losev's independent creation of an LED over fifteen years later. It was not until 1961 that the scientific Ugg Boots community recognized the fact that semiconductor alloys will release infrared rays when exposed to an electric current. This was definitively established that year by Bob Biard and Gary Pittman of Texas Instruments.
Eventually this led to the development of the first red LED light. Within ten years, yellow and brighter red and red-orange lights had been developed. They were initially found to be of great use in alphanumeric displays, so Hewlett-Packard (HP to us) made use of them in some of the earliest models of handheld calculators. However, they were still costly to develop, so they saw few practical applications until years later.
When the technology began to become integrated, they served as replacements for incandescent indicators, mostly in tools that were more of an expensive investment anyway, Ugg Boots UK Sale 2013 such as laboratory Uggs Black Friday test equipment. As it became simpler and more efficient to manufacture them, LEDs spread to usage in television sets, telephones, and wristwatches. They had to be used on smaller scales, as they had not yet become bright enough to light up large areas.
It wasn't until recent years that the "white," LED was developed, which came from mixing blue and yellow to make the light appear white, which led to innovations in higher-powered, brighter LEDs.
The great advantage of developing such bright LEDs is that they consume very little power--electricity or otherwise--while still providing plenty of illumination. In the words of the average consumer, "They last FOREVER, man." And the more advanced the technology becomes, the longer they will be able to last.
At the moment, you can find LEDs implements in all the devices previously listed, as well as flashlights, lanterns, Christmas lights, and so on. But with the development of UV LED lights, they can be put to some more unexpected applications: water sterilization, disinfection of materials, or even as a grow light to supplement photosynthesis in plants.
We have only just begun to tap into this wealth of technology, and as we continue to explore its possibilities, we may be amazed by its potential applications!
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Spanish podcasts – the power of voice
is difficult to keep up with all the new technology that appears almost daily on the Internet, but some becomes popular almost instantly. Podcasting is one of them. Every kid now knows how to download podcasts to their computers or their iPods, mostly their favorite songs. But, there is a much more exciting use for podcasting, and that is using it to learn foreign languages like Spanish. Ugg Boots UK Spanish podcasts are now crucial part of most high quality Spanish tutors.
What makes learning foreign languages so intimidating is the pronunciation. Spanish language books are full of rules on how to pronounce words, and we can learn the rules, but when we try to say the words, we get in trouble. But, just imagine if you could get all your Spanish lessons by listening to them, instead of reading them? That is what Spanish podcasts are for.
Podcasts are audio files, which we can subscribe for and download the files we want to our computers and listen whenever we feel for it. Most popular format is mp3. So, if you want to learn Spanish by listening to the way it really sounds, all you have to do is find a good website, like News in Slow Spanish download Spanish podcasts and get your lessons spoken by a native Spanish speaker.
There is a number of websites offering Spanish podcasts, allowing students to learn the language by listening to the way native people speak it and use it in their everyday lives. But, of course, not all websites are the same, so you have to find one that will excite you and trigger your interest not only in the language but in the way of life, culture, current events, music and food. News in Slow Spanish has weekly Spanish podcasts with new lessons which describe current events and news worldwide.
One delight in learning Spanish by listening to the Spanish podcasts is the diversity of pronunciation in different provinces in Spain, or different Spanish-speaking countries. Just when you think you learned to pronounce a word properly, like a well-educated person from Madrid, you discover that people Ugg Boots in Mexico say is very differently. Sort of like listening to Uggs Black Friday the English from Ugg Boots UK Sale 2013 London or Sidney. It is just a little bit different. But, different is fun, and as long as we have fun, we will keep working on it. You will never get bored with learning Spanish with Spanish podcasts, because you can always download a new lesson, or a new story, and add few new words to your vocabulary. Until you realize that you actually understand everything you are listening!
You do not need any special hardware or software to listen to the podcasts. Most of us just download them to our computers from the website like News in Slow Spanish, using Windows Media Player, or I-Tunes. You can then download those files to your MP3 players or iPods and listen to your fun Spanish podcast lessons wherever you are, whenever you feel for it. Don't forget to download some songs as well, to get into the spirit of the language. If you are not into beautiful old Spanish songs, get some Reggeaton. There is something for every taste.
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Begin Your Career With Accredited High School Diploma Online
re is no doubt it that you have plans of boosting your career in life. At least if for nothing the mere fact that you have Uggs Black Friday sort out this page is enough evidence already. The truth is that the place of accredited high school diploma can not be treated as a pushover even though major attention is often given to online degree programs. Not to worry by reading this article you will learn more on how to use this program to your advantage.
Come to think of it before you or anyone can be considered for an online or conventional degree program a high school diploma is often required. It is the major requirement otherwise you will not be fit for a degree or other advanced studies. You don’t have to waste precious time or leave your present job to register for an accredited high school diploma there is a faster and easier way to achieve that with ease.
What I mean is that with the internet you can earn an accredited high school diploma effortlessly. Aside from the flexibility that comes with earning this diploma, it also paves way for improved status in life thus helping you to earn more. This should Ugg Boots UK inspire you to carryout a research on various online institutions that are offering the program. As doing Ugg Boots UK Sale 2013 so will help you make the best choice and you will be the better for it.
When it comes to earning an accredited Ugg Boots high school diploma online you can easily fix or weave your lessons to harmonize with your busy work schedules, while meeting your daily needs and earning as well. The beauty of this online option is that you can work at your own pace without feeling any need for urgency that might cause pressure and discomfort; such that might deprive you of the joy and experience of learning.
One thing is certain that after earning an accredited high school diploma your life will change for the better, because you then have the opportunity and the privilege of furthering your career by registering for a college degree program. You have got nothing to lose and you are better of enrolling rather than joining others that often take this program for granted. With this program better prospects await you in life and if I were you I will give it a try without further delay. Remember you have nothing to lose but everything to gain.
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Speed reading techniques for CAT 2010 RC section - Part II
those who did not take CAT Ugg Boots UK 2009, NMAT 2010 or even the MAT exams since September 2009, have no experience of the computer based test. But if Uggs Black Friday you are planning for the CAT 2010 then you must be getting worried about handling the Reading Comprehension Ugg Boots UK Sale 2013 questions.
Experts suggest that Speed Reading is one of the methods by which MBA aspirants can easily tackle the RC segment.
To provide you expert advice on the technique of speed reading, we had recently presented to you the Part 1 of the extracts from the chapter ‘Speed Reading and On Screen Reading’ from the book ‘Reading Comprehension for the CAT’ authored by Sujit Kumar and published by Pearson Education India.
You got answers to the following questions in the Part I: What is speed reading?; How fast should I be able to read?; How can I improve my reading speed? What are those techniques?; How long do I have to practice?; Is there anything else I have to take care of?; Is there anything else I can do to increase my reading speed?; I am comfortable with on paper reading but not with reading on screen. What should I do?; What should I do to get used to on-screen reading and to the format?
Today we bring to you the Part 2 of the extracts. The extracts are brought to you exclusively by in association with Pearson Education India.
Read the Part 2 of the extracts below:
I am generally slow Ugg Boots in reading because of vocabulary constraints.
Speed reading is not a magic bullet. One needs to be proficient in the language that one is trying to gain speed. In fact, the more comfortable one is in the language, the faster one is in reading that language. For example, by learning the techniques of speed reading, it is not possible to read Chinese or Greek if one does not know those languages. Since vocabulary is an aspect of one’s proficiency in that language, it is futile to work on speed if one has severe vocabulary constraints. However, by persistent reading one can improve one’s vocabulary and language skills as well.
What is meant by vocalization?
Vocalization is the habit of reading aloud-using your lips to read. Reading is a mental process. Eyes input to the brain the images of the words triggering the idea contained in the word/s, and the brain processes that idea. Eyes are the input device and the brain is the processor. We do not need the lips to input. When one reads aloud, there is double input-through the eyes and through the ears. The only problem is: you read as fast as you speak. And one cannot speak at four of five hundred words per minute! Get rid of vocalization immediately by stopping to vocalize. It is not necessary at all for reading well.
What is meant by sub vocalization? Is it negative too?
Sub vocalization is speaking the word in one’s mind. It is not negative. If you try to stop sub vocalization, your comprehension will suffer severely. However, by reading faster and faster without vocalization and regression, sub vocalization automatically gets minimized. Reading without sub vocalization means: the eyes project the words to the brain and there is instant comprehension because the brain instantly comprehends what the word stands for. In other words, there is direct eye-mind transfer of ideas. We hardly read the word ‘stop’ on road sign boards. We hardly read (sub vocalize) the brand names of our favorite items. Aim at minimizing sub vocalization by reading a lot rather than through conscious efforts.
What is meant by efficient or active reading?
Efficient or active reading means while reading you are actively involved in the ideas that are contained in the text-and not passively wandering through the text. It also means to actively reading the text to pick up the main points that the text has to offer rather than passively waiting for the text to communicate those points to you. The way you study your academic text books is called active reading. When you study your text books there is an eagerness to understand them and a conscious effort to underst
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Top Things to Do the Night before the GRE Exam
e than 500,000 GRE examinees take the Graduate Record Examination every year to ensure themselves of attending graduate schools in some of the best and most prestigious schools all over the world. Unfortunately, not all of this 500,000 would get a satisfactory score to be able to land in their dream school. Most of these statistics said that they either lose their concentration on the examination proper of they failed to prepare well enough.
I have listed below top things GRE examinees should do a night before the big day that will further enhance their focus on the proper GRE examination day.
1. Have all the needed things in your bag a night before. Make sure that you have your admission slip, pencils, pens, ID, water, candy as Ugg Boots well as your clothes for the following day. Making things in order and prepared will avoid panic and rushing thus, avoiding stress as well.
2. Eat a nutritious meal. Get a well-balanced diet packed with vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates to make your body and mind functioning well.
3. Sleep at least 8 hours. Sleeping well the night Ugg Boots UK before with the ideal 8 hours will help you maintain your concentration all thought the GRE exam. Most of those who fail in the examination failed on this part making them Uggs Black Friday sleepy and losing their focus on the tests.
4. Stop Your Studying. Enjoy the day by watching TV or movie or spending some strolling at the park or mall with friends. This is a sure fire Ugg Boots UK Sale 2013 way to clear your mind and boost positive hormones that will make you focus on the exam day.
5. Be on time on the exam day. Make sure that you will be on time on your respective test center. You could avoid being late if you have practiced the route a week before to calculate your travel time. Surprises can make you stressful hence; be well prepared and know your exact room and seat number as well.
Follow these simple steps a night before the GRE exam and your effort for the long GRE prep will not be in vain .Avoid tensions and stress especially a day before to maintain your focus and avoids forgetting the basics of the GRE which is in most cases the main problem examinees face. Most importantly, maintain a high standard of discipline even to the last minute of your GRE prep to get a high score.
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The Convenience of Educational Scholarships for Fathers
you want to go get some education but you have to raise a child, there are quite a few educational scholarships for fathers that you can look into in order to help with Uggs Black Friday your expenses. There are a growing number of single fathers to accompany the single mothers.
These days, relationships rarely work out due to the approach that many people take with it. Ugg Boots UK Sale 2013 A lot of people get into relationships while they are still in school. Often times in the relationship, they act on the heat of the passion. Then there comes the point when relationships don't work out and often times the young lady is pregnant. Sometimes there is a Ugg Boots baby and the mother walks out, leaving the father with the responsibility of raising the child. There are many different types of educational scholarships for fathers.
You can choose from a variety of $10,000 scholarships that you can take advantage of. With the downturn of the economy and the financial troubles that accompanies it, people need all of the help they can get in finances, especially when it comes to getting higher education.
Many students are beginning to drop out of college due to the financial troubles that they are facing along with the scarcity of jobs. It seems that the bar has risen in the job market and one would need a degree to get work at a minimum wage retail job.
Some of the educational scholarships for fathers you can look into are scholarships for working fathers. These scholarships are Ugg Boots UK for fathers who are trying to get into school and are working, but the finances don't comfortably allow them to take classes and pursue a degree.
There are also scholarships for single dads. Thanks to these educational scholarships for fathers, single dads don't have to drop out of school to raise their children. They can pursue the degree that they want in order to get the job that they are looking to have to make a better life for himself and his children. Everyone including fathers needs every bit of financial help that they can get.
Classes are very expensive and degrees are also expensive. If one was to rely only on their jobs for getting through college, they will not be successful. They could supposedly take one class at a time, but this would take years to get the degree that is being pursued. Educational scholarships for fathers make higher education a lot easier and more affordable as well as convenient.
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Help Your Society Progress Get a teaching job in Leicester
y schools all over Leicester are trying to develop the habit of reading amongst the students. By taking a teaching job in Leicester, you can help your society progress by creating interest in reading and studying. Ugg Boots UK Sale 2013 Leicester has more than 287 schools and colleges. You can apply for teaching jobs in Leicester in any one of these.
The subjects that you study as a student at the secondary level and as an undergraduate, will make a difference in the opportunities available to you later on in life.
Basic Qualification
You must have a General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) or an equivalent qualification in English, Mathematics and Science. To qualify for teaching jobs in Leicester, you should have at least a Grade-C or above. You do not need to complete any other teacher training course like Bachelor of Education />
To teach in classes, you need a Bachelor of Arts Ugg Boots (B.A), or a Bachelor of Sciences (B.Sc). You also need to have a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed). You also need to have relevant experience of teaching, to take up Teaching Jobs in Leicester. It could be vocational experience or in-class training.
If you have these essential qualifications, you can start your training as a teacher and gain Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), which will allow you to teach at state-maintained schools.
Once you have QTS, you must finish Initial Teacher Training (ITT). The ITT course you choose will depend on the age group you Uggs Black Friday wish to teach. You can choose to be either a primary teacher or a secondary teacher. If you choose to become a secondary teacher, you can decide on a course to teach on the subject that you wish to teach.
Primary teachers are trained to teach on all subjects included in the national program. Secondary teachers are trained on specific subjects, depending on their subject qualification. Apart from the basic qualification, Ugg Boots UK you need to have QTS.
Applying for QTS
To get QTS, you can submit an application to the School of Education, University of Gloucestershire, or the School of Education, University of Wolverhampton. These universities accept applications anytime.
Where to Apply
If you wish to complete your Initial Teacher Training (ITT), you have to apply to the Graduate Teacher Training Registry (GTTR). Applications are accepted by early September.
You must apply to the Universities & Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) for teaching in higher classes. The application process begins in early September. Check out local agencies like ABC Teachers for more detailed information about applying for teaching jobs.
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