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Employees do "mental arithmetic" on areas such as pay
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You can probably imagine that you would not want to load 33,000 pounds of coal in the bucket and ask the horse to move it 1 foot in a minute because the horse couldn't budge that big a load. You can probably also imagine that you would not want to put 1 pound of coal in the bucket and ask the horse to run 33,000 feet in one minute, since that translates into 375 miles per hour and horses can't run that fast. However,coach purses, if you have read How a Block and Tackle Works, you know that with a block and tackle you can easily trade perceived weight for distance using an arrangement of pulleys.
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Directed by Gus van Sant (for those of you not paying attention before), Restless is the first film written by Jason Lew, whose only other work include acting jobs on two films. No doubt this will be awesome. Gus Van Sant is best known for Good Will Hunting, which was also written by two relatively unknown actors.
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