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Senzanyan Democracy
Motto: For the People
Capital: Pennox City
Official language: Senzanyan

Senzanya is one of the major world powers of Minerva. It is located on the continent of Avellia. Its capital city is Pennox City.



Senzanya is a largely flat area of northeastern Avellia. It is bordered by the Avellian Ocean on its eastern coast, by Mon Prath in the northwest, and the Veltrian Republic in the southwest. Two major rivers, the Pennox and the Koble, divide the nation into three sections of arable, and settled, farmland; these regions provide much of the country's food supply. The prosperous eastern region houses many of the country's major cities, including Pennox City on the delta of the river of the same name. The Mitans, a steep mountain range, make population in the northern region of Senzanya scarce.


The region now known as Senzanya was originally inhabited by a number of small city-states, sharing similar customs and a common language (that now known as Senzanyan) but still hostile toward one another. This changed during the Senzanyan Wars of the mid-twenty-seventh century. King Senzan I lead a campaign out of his native city-state of Pennox (now Pennox City) and conquered many areas of the region, uniting them under his rule. These areas gradually coalesced into the nation of Senzanya, named after its first ruler.

The period following the reign of Senzan I saw a long era of monarchical rule by Senzan's descendants. This went on until the early thirty-first century, when the Senzanyan Revolution overthrew the monarchy and established a flexible democracy with minimal government. The political system has been largely unchanged ever since.


Senzanya is currently run on a democratic system of government which focuses on popular vote and lacks a core of politicians. Regional governments handle minor issues; all major, national issues are decided by a voting consensus. For instance, in 4673, when nearby Mon Prath threatened war if Senzanya did not repeal its economic sanctions, a vote was taken on how to respond. The public voted to negotiate with Prathor delegates, by which the nation successfully avoided armed conflict.


Despite its eminence in the global political scene, Senzanya is fairly rural, and has few industrial cities west of the coastline along the Avellian Ocean. Much of the modern technology used in Senzanya is developed by, and imported from, nations in Onneria, such as Remolim. Although its focus is on agriculture, Senzanya does have a fairly large presence in global magical development.



The population of Senzanya is primarily a mixture of Amnan and Fennan, the latter of which has increased in numbers in recent years due to a widespread famine in Onneria. There is a small Hentyan population as well, but very few Enthans.


The most widespread religion in Senzanya is its native Tholtianism. This is practiced by over 60% of Senzanyans and is particularly concentrated in the western and central farmlands, where it is the religion of nearly 80% of the population.

Irithism, the world's largest polytheistic religion, originated in the western nation of Veltria, and as such much of the southwest of Senzanya is Irithistic.

The eastern region of Senzanya, especially along the coastline stretching into the Avellian Ocean, is predominantly Tholtianistic but has a large atheist presence.

Major cities

Historical figures

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Calendar events and holidays

  • Coublex 22 is Senzanyan Unity Day, the anniversary of the end of the Senzan Wars and the creation of the nation of Senzanya.

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National anthem

See also

Personal tools