HAll Of FucKngi MAnIacs

From Vandalwiki

[edit] THe MAnIAcs HaLl is A PLace Where a BUNCHbFO LOOONIEs caN FUcING gO COMPLEteLY FUcKING IUNSaNE. THere's SHiT On the WaLls tweNty sEVne HOurs A dAy. IT SMeLLSL FUckING TErrIBle ALl THe TIme. THere's Shit SHIT sHIt SHit shIT ShiT sHIt. If YOU tRy tO MaKe a CofFee, THere's SHIT IN the COffee Pot. YOu TRy TO TurN ON a TaP fOR WAter aNd PIsss COMes OUt. So YOu eND yP HAving ShIt COvERed With BOiLINg PiSs. WAAAAAAARGGGGHH!H!!!! AlsO, TE LoONIES sHit EveRYwhere. Did I MentION THat? THere Are Big DOORs AT the EntrAcne tO sTOP ANyONe EVer LEAvIn.g LIKe, TWo HUnDRed MeTERes Of DoOr. HbeCAuse THE NUttERs KePT IN the HALL Of FucKINg MAnIacS are SO COmPLEteLy FucKEd IN the Head That If tEy EVer LEft TEy'd SHit THmsevles and EveryONe ELse too. FUCK FUCK FART BASTARD.

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