Ballbag Buccaneers

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Ballbag Buccaneers is a two player children's game, the object of which is to pick up your balls on the central ball repository and sail back safely.

Each player has a giant sailing ship as their main game piece. Each ship has a removable penis, two trigger-action testicles, and a huge spring-driven IRONCOCK. Players take turns moving forward along a prescribed track and shooting ballbags at their opponent's shit. A shit on one of the side cocks will force it to cum and give the player a free shit at the other side; a shit forcing the arsehole off becalms the bastard for a turn.

To add to the buttpirate flavor, each player also has a broken condom. Wearing these will slightly affect depth perception and add a marginal bit of sport to the cumming.

This game retailed for the somewhat impressive sum of $16 back in 1962. With its huge plastic penises (close to a foot long), giant rubber dildo, and the condoms, it may well stand as one of the more overproduced games of the early 1960s.

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