Spectrum Gauntlets

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Revision as of 03:27, 7 July 2008 by Dreiken (Talk | contribs)

The Spectrum Gauntlets were Dreiken's original weapon of choice, which allowed him to fire bolts of light from his hands.

Spectrum Gauntlets
Weapon type Misc.
Power(s) Firing blasts of light
User(s) Dreiken
Status Transformed
Pronunciation {{{pronun}}}


As with much of everything concerning Dreiken's past, how he obtained the Spectrum Gauntlets is much of a mystery. It is known however, that Dreiken received the Gauntlets sometime during his wanderings and exploration of the Northern Continent. He grew to become so proficient with the weapon that he even preferred to use them over his elemental ice powers. When Dlakii transformed Dreiken during his fight with Muntance, the Spectrum Gauntlets transformed as well into the Firestorm Gauntlets


The Spectrum Gauntlets was a very limited (but powerful) weapon, as it only allowed the user to fire bolts of lights in a concentrated, straight beam from the user's hands. However, the Gauntlets could also fire a "charged" shot, as well as creating an especially large bolt of light by bringing a beam of light from both hands in contact with each other.


  • Unlike the Firestorm Gauntlets, this weapon was always apart of official UT story, although it was originally merely a Toa tool for Dreiken to focus his power through. (As he was originally a Toa of Spectrum.)
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