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Videogame War
From Unmariowiki
The Videogame War was a terrible time where Mario, Sonic and Pacman fans fought trying to decide who was the best. This started when Sonic and Pacman started getting famous and Mario was starting to go down. A kid in his school fought with a Sonic fan, which later made other kids fight. This fight was shown in the news, and made kids of all others states to fight for Mario, Pac-man and Sonic. This then started making adults fighting. The war lasted a horribly long time, 20 years, and during the war only Luigi games were released. Mario was never shown in videogames, because the videogame makers were scared that Sonic and Pac-man fans would fight even more with Mario fans. While the war lasted all videogame shows were cancelled and replaced with "Do not fight" shows. During the war people only made cookies based on George W. Bush. During the war about 34473854738474545 and 1 people died. After the war ended, Sonic's creator died, and Pac-man's creator worked on Mario games. 60 years after the Videogame War, computer's were invented.