E Pluribus Unum

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‘E Pluribus Unum’ is Latin for one out of many. It’s the phrase on the seal of the United States from 1782. It expresses what we now call melting-pot idea: firstly, it symbolizes the idea of a single nation emerging out of the thirteen primal colonies and the idea of one society emerging out of many religions, races, peoples and ancestries and how this new nation and society is the optimal combination of the old cultures and the United States, therefore, can be superior to, for example, Europe. On the seal the meaning of the thirteen founding colonies is emphasized by the flag with 13 stripes the eagle with 13 arrows, 13 olives on his twig and the symbol above him with 13 stars. It was used to create a new character and build up the nation, to unite the different cultures and was, thereby the de facto motto till In God We Trust was adopted as the official motto.

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