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UNA A IDs Geschichte 2006/07

1. Siedlungskolonie

2. Mayflower Compact

3. Indentured Servants

4. no Taxation without representation

5. Articles of Confederation

6. Federalist Papers

7. Nullification

8. separate spheres

9. Trail of Tears

10. 3/5-Clause

11. Fugitive Slave Act (1850)

12. Dred Scott Case

13. Emancipation proclamation

14. Freedmen's Bureau

15. Plessy v. Ferguson

16. Chinese Exclusion Act

17. Sherman Anti-Trust Act

18. Jane Addams

19. Frontier

20. Monroe Doctrine

21. Fourteen Points

22. Executive Order 9066

23. NSC 68

24. Joseph McCarthy

25. Domino theory

26. Bay of Pigs

27. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution


29. Port Huron Platform

30. Watergate

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