
From Ulitka V Bambuk

Revision as of 03:07, 14 September 2008 by (Talk)
#2 Webster Dictionary 1996, 60t.
#5 wd1.1-1.1
#2 Roget's II Thesaurus 1996
#5 wd1.1-2/2a
#2 French-English Dictionary 1991, 85t.
#5 wd1.1-2/3a
#2 Guinness book of records 1992 (839str)
#3 40 #4 7,3 #5 wd1.1-2/1
#2 Guinness book of records 2002 (540str)
#3 40 #4 7,3 #5 wd1.1-2/2
#2 Istoriya drevnego mira
#3 50.1.1 #4 9,8 #5 wd1.2-2/k2:4
#1 Hayes and Moon
#2 Modern History
#3 50.1 #4 8 #5 wd1.2-2/k1
#1 Elian 
#2 Pestrye rasskazy
#3 50.2.3 #5 wd1.2-2/r1

@1 Plato #9 1

#2 Selected dialogs #5 wd1.1-2/b1 #7 1928
#2 The Republic #3 50.2.3 #5 wd1.2-2/r2  #7 1962
#2 Kak byla kreschena Rus'
#3 50.2.1 #5 #5 wd1.2-2/n1
#1 Ulam, Adam
#2 The Bolsheviks
#3 50.2.1.rev #5 wd1.2-2/n11
#1 Starcev V.I.
#2 Krah Kerenschiny
#3 50.2.1.rev #5 wd1.2-2/n10
#1 Goryunov, Sergej
#2 Almazy Allaxa
#3 #5 wd1.2-2/n15 

#1 Manfred A.Z.
#2 Velikaya francuzskaya revolyuciya
#3 50.2.13 #5 #5 wd1.2-2/n2.6
#1 Blok, Anton
#2 The Mafia of a Sicilian Village 1860-1960
#3 50.2.11 #5 wd1.2-2/o2
#1 Bol'shakov O.G.
#2 Istoriya Halifata. I Islam v Aravii 570-633
#3 50.2.- #4 6 #5 wd1.2-2/L1
#1 Churchill, Winston
#2 Closing the ring
#3 50.ww2;51 #5 12 #8 1951
#1 Isii, Kikudzro
#2 Diplmaticheskie kommentaii
#3 50.- #5 wd1.2-2/t10

@1 Klyuchevskoj, V.O.

#2 t6 
#3 50.- #5 wd1.2-2/n2.6
#1 T.W.West
#2 A history of architecture in Italy
#3 50.10,30 #4 4,7 #5 11.43
#1 Jon Canaday
#2 The lives of the painters
#3 50.11 #5 12
#2 Delo Klintona-Levivski v dokumentah i faktah
#3 50.50
#5 wd1.2-2/s1
#1 Hagenbeck L.
#2 Animal in my life
#3 50.35;51 #4 7,3 #5 11.46
#1 Davidson,Bazil
#2 Afrika in history
#3 50.2.8 #5 wd1.2-2/y1
#2 Merck manual of medicine information
#3 70.1 #4 wd1.1-3/1
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