
From Ulitka V Bambuk

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1. Folklor 2. Древнее 3. Detskoe 4. realizm 5 6. poeziya 7. drama 9 priklyucheniya

@10. fantastika 11.


Коды жанров

1 - фольклор 1.1 Русская 1.2 Скнадинавия 1.3 Кельты 1.4 Ср.Азия 1.9 - Индия

Беллетристика на русском

По названию

#2 Drevnyaya Indiya. Tri velikih sazniya T.2
#3 1.9 #5 wd1.2-1/d4
#2 Srednevekovaya persidskaya proza
#3 1.4 #5 wd1.2-1/d1


#1 A.Aleksin
#2 trehtomnik
#3 3.4 #4 7:9 #5 11.40:42
#1 Arsen'ev, V.K.
#2 Dersu Uzala. Skvoz' tajgu.
#3 9.1 #4 8 #5 wd1.2-1/k1
#1 V.Belyaev
#2 Staraya krepost'
#3 3.4 #4 #5 wd1.2-1/m1 #6 0
#1 German,Yurij
#2 Rasskazu o Dzerzhinskom
#3 3.1.17 #4 7 #5 wd1.2-1/m2
#1 Golubeva, Antonina
#2 Mal'chik iz Urzhuma
#3 3.1.17 #4 8 #5 wd1.2-1/m3


#1 Pogodin, Radij
#2 Lazorevyj petuh moego destva
#3 3.6.2 #4 10 #5 wd1.2-2/n1
#1 A. de Sent-`Ekzyuperi
#2 Planeta Lyudej
#3 6 #4 11 #5 11.44
#1 Tolkien, J.R.
#2 Vlastelin kolec 3t,
#3 3.10 #5 wd1.2-2/1:3a
#1 Tolstoj A.N.
#2 Giperboloid.A`elita.
#3 3.10.1 #4 11 #5 wd1.2-1/n2
#1 Yalom, Irvin
#2 Lzhec na kushetke
#3 15 #4 3 #5 wx2-0
#1 Yalom, Irvin
#2 Mamochka i smysl zhizni
#3 15 #4 3 #5 w1.2-2/4

Беллетристика на английском


@1 Dragon Lance

@2Chronicle Trilogy

 @3 1. Dragons of Autumn Twilight
 @3 2. Dragons of Winter Night
 @3 3. Dragons of Spring Downing

@2 Legend Trilogy

@3 1. Time of the Twins
@3 #2 2. War of the Twins
@3 #2 3. Test of the Twins

@2 Tales Trilogy

@3 1. The Magic of Krynn
@3 #2 2. Kender, gully dwarfes and gnomes
@3 3 Love and war

@2 Heroes Trilogy

@2 Preludes Trilogy

@2 1. Darkness and Light
@2 2. Kendermore
@2 #2 3. Brother Majeres

@2 Tales Trilogy

@3 1. The Reign ofIstar
@3 2. The Cataclysm
@3 3. War of the Lance

@2 Heroes II Trilogy

@2 Preludes II Trilogy

@3 #2 2. Flint the king

@2 Meting Sextet

@3 #2 1. Kindred Spirit
@3 #2 2. Wanderlust
@3 #2 3. Dark Heart
@3 5. Steel and stone
@3 #2 6. The Companions


По заговловкам

#2 Annual best of 1976
#3 10.1
#4 6
#5 2.26
#2 Before the Golden Age.
#3 10.1
#4 7
#5 wd1.2-2/i1
#2 Genius of Italian theater
#3 7
#5 wd1.1-3/3a

По авторам


@1 Adams, D.

@3 #2 1. The Hitchhiker Guide ..
#3 10.3 #4 8 #5 2.3
@3 #2 2. The Restraurant at the end of the Universe.
#3 10.3 #4 8 #5 2.4
@3 #2 3. Life, the Universe and Everything
#3 10.3 #4 7 #5 2.1
@3 4. So long, and thanks for all the fish
@3 #2 Mostly Harmless
#3 10.3 #4 7 #5 2.2

#1 Adams, Richard
#2 Shardik
#3 10.2 #4 6 #5 1.31 #6 1
#1 Babbit Natalie
#2 Tuck everlasting
#3 10.4 #5 2.36
#1 Brunner, John
#2 Give warning to the world
#3 10.1 #4 4 #5 1.5
#1 Burnett, F. H.
#2 A little princess
#3 3.4.4 #4 8 #5 wd1.2-2/d3
#1 Byars Betsy
#2 McMummy
#3 3.10.4 #4 5 #5 3.38
#1 Chaucer
#2 Canterbury Tales (perevod v proze)
#3 6.2 #4 #5 w1.1-3/2b
#1 Cherruh C.J.
#2 Foreigner
#3 10.1 #4 5 #5 1.22
#1 Colfer, Eoin
#2 Artemis Fowl
#3 3.9 #4 4 #5 2.25
#1 Collins, Wilkie
#2 The woman in white
#3 8.4 #4 7 #5 w1.1-3/1d
#1 Covlle, Bruce
#2 Into the land of the Unicorns
#3 3.10.2 #4 6 #5 w1.2-2/d6
#1 Douglas,Carole N.
#2 Exiles of the Rynth
#3 10.2 #4 4 #5 2.29
#1 Douglas,Carole N.
#2 Six of Swords
#3 10.2 #4 4 #5 2.30
#1 Durell, Gerrald
#2 Menagery Manor
#3 13 #4 8 #5 w1.1-3/10e

@1 Eddings, D.

  1. 3 10.2 #5 1
 @3 #2 2. Queen of Sorcery
#4 6

#2 3. Castle of wizardry
#4 5
 #2 Demon Lord of Karandra
#4 4
#2 King of the Murgos
#3 10.2
#2 Sorceress of Darsiva
#1 Emery, Clayton
#2 Sword Play
#3 10.2 #4 3 #5 1.23
#1 Evripid
#2 Medea. Hippollytus. Helen
#3 7 #4 #5 w1.1-3/1b

@1 Feist, Raymond F.

  1. 3 10.2 #5 1
@3 #2 7. Rage of a Demon King
#4 4

#1 Garner, Alan
#2 The werdstone of Brisingamen
#3 3.10 #4 6 #5 w1.1-3/k1
#1 Graphame, Kenneth
#2 The Wind in the willows
#3 3.3 #4 10 #5 2.27

@1 Green R. Simon

#3 10.1.2 #5 1
@3 #2 Deathstalker rebellion
#4 5
@3 #2 Detathstalker return
#5 1
  1. 1 Harris, J.Ch.
  2. 2 Uncle Remus
  3. 3 3.1
  4. 4 9
  5. 5 wd1.2-2/d1
  1. 1 Haxley, Aldous
  2. 2 Brave New World; Brave New World revisited
  3. 3 10.1.1
  4. 4 11
  5. 5 2.37
  1. 1 Herriot, James
  2. 2 All creature great and small
  3. 3 13
  4. 4 8
  5. 5 wd1.1-3/6e
  1. 1 Homer
  2. 2 Iliad (Lattimore
  3. 3 1
  4. 5 wx2.0

  1. 1 Lewis. C.S.
  2. 2 Perelandra
  3. 3 10.2.1
  4. 4 8
  5. 5 1.13
  6. 6 2
  1. 1 Lewis. C.S.
  2. 2 That hideous strength
  3. 3 10.2.1
  4. 4 8
  5. 5 1.14
  6. 6 0
  1. 1 Lofting, Hugo
  2. 2 Doctor Dolittle's caravan
  3. 3 3
  4. 4 7
  5. 5 wd1.2-2/d2
  1. 1 Malory, Thomas
  2. 2 Le Morte d'Arthur
  3. 3 1.2
  4. 4 12
  5. 5 2.34

  1. 1 McArthur, Nancy
  2. 2 The plant that eat dirt socks
  3. 3 3.4
  4. 4 8
  5. 5 wd1.2-2/d4.1
  1. 1 Martin, Les
  2. 2 Humbug.V5
  3. 3 3.10.1
  4. 4 6
  5. 5 wd1.2-2/d5
  1. 1 Niles, Douglas
  2. 2 Feathered Dragon
  3. 3 10.2
  4. 4 4

$5 1.15

  1. 1 Niven, Larry
  2. 2 The Rinworld engeneers
  3. 3 10.1
  4. 4 5
  5. 5 2.32
  6. 6 1

  1. 1 Niven, Larry
  2. 2 The Smoke Ring
  3. 3 10.1
  4. 4 5
  5. 5 2.33
  6. 6 0
  1. Norton, A
  2. 2 `Ware Hawk
  3. 3 10.2
  4. 4 6
  5. 5 1.16
  1. Norton, A
  2. 2 `Ware Hawk
  3. 3 10.2
  4. 4 6
  5. 5 1.16
  1. Norton, A
  2. 2 Lore of the Witch World
  3. 3 10.2
  4. 4 7
  5. 5 1.28
  1. Norton, A
  2. 2 Sargasso of Space
  3. 3 10.1
  4. 4 8
  5. 5 1.17

  1. Norton, A
  2. 2 The Gate of Cat
  3. 3 10.2
  4. 4 5
  5. 5 1.18
  1. Norton, A
  2. 2 Tray of Sword
  3. 3 10.2
  4. 4 7
  5. 5 1.19

  1. 1 Ostin , Jane
  2. 2 Persuasion and lady Susan
  3. 3 4.4
  4. 4 8
  5. 5 wd1.2-2/d4

  1. 1 Pratchett, T.
  2. 2 The Carpet People
  3. 3 10.3
  4. 4 5
  5. 5 1.20
  1. 1 Rowling J.K.
  2. 2 Harry Porter 1,5
  3. 3 3.10
  4. 4 7
  5. 5 11
  1. 1 Saberhagen, Fred
  2. 2 Earth Descended
  3. 3 10.1
  4. 4 4
  5. 5 1.21
  6. 6 1
  1. 1 W.Saroyan
  2. 2 Tracy's tiger
  3. 3 10.3
  4. 4 11
  5. 5 wd1.1-3/2e
  1. 1 W.Shakespeare
  2. 2 pss (tol'ko teksty)
  3. 3
  4. 5 11.57:58
  1. 1 W.Shakespeare
  2. 2 A Midsummer Night Dream (leksika, predislovie)
  3. 3 7.10
  4. 5 wd1.1-3/3a
  1. 1 W.Shakespeare
  2. 2 Julius Caesar (leksika, predislovie)
  3. 3 7.9
  4. 5 wd1.1-3/4a
  1. 1 W.Shakespeare
  2. 2 Hamlet (leksika, predislovie)
  3. 3 7.9
  4. 5 wd1.1-3/3a
  1. 1 W.Shakespeare
  2. 2 Henry IV, part 1 ( predislovie, dop. teksty)
  3. 3 7.9
  4. 5 wd1.1-3/5a
  1. 1 Spearing, Judith
  2. 2 Ghosts who went to school
  3. 3 3.4
  4. 4 6
  5. 5 wd1.2-2/d4.2
  1. 1 Vonnegut, Kurt
  2. 2 Hocus Pocus
  3. 3 10.3
  4. 4 8
  5. 5 wd1.1-3/5e
  1. 1 Virgil
  2. 2 The Aeneid
  3. 3 2.1
  4. 4 -1
  5. 5 2.35
  1. 1 Washington Irvin
  2. 2 The Ogre downstairs
  3. 3 3.4
  4. 4 9
  5. 5 wd1.2-2/d4
  1. 1 Wooding Chris
  2. 2 Broken Sky
  3. 3
  4. 4 4
  5. 5 2.24
  1. 1 Wynne Jones, Diana
  2. 2 The Ogre downstairs
  3. 3 3.4
  4. 4 9
  5. 5 wd1.2-2/d3


  1. 2 Webster Dictionary 1996, 60t.
  2. 5 wd1.1-1.1
  1. 2 Roget's II Thesaurus 1996
  2. 5 wd1.1-2/2a
  1. 2 French-English Dictionary 1991, 85t.
  2. 5 wd1.1-2/3a
  1. 1
  2. 2 Guinness book of records 1992 (839str)
  3. 3 40
  4. 4 7,3
  5. 5 wd1.1-2/1
  1. 1
  2. 2 Guinness book of records 2002 (540str)
  3. 3 40
  4. 4 7,3
  5. 5 wd1.1-2/2

  1. 1
  2. 2 Istoriya drevnego mira
  3. 3 50
  4. 4 9,8
  5. 5 wd1.2-2/k2:4
  1. 1 Hayes and Moon
  2. 2 Modern History
  3. 3 50
  4. 4 8
  5. 5 wd1.2-2/k1
  1. 1 Bol'shakov O.G.
  2. 2 Istoriya Halifata. I Islam v Aravii 570-633
  3. 3 50
  4. 4 6
  5. 5 wd1.2-2/L1
  1. 1 Ulam, Adam
  2. 2 The Bolsheviks
  3. 3 50.9
  4. 5 wd1.2-2/r2
  1. 1 Starcev V.I.
  2. 2 Krah Kerenschiny
  3. 3 50.9
  4. 5 wd1.2-2/r1
  1. 1 T.W.West
  2. 2 A history of architecture in Italy
  3. 3 50.10,30
  4. 4 4,7
  5. 5 11.43
  1. 2 Delo Klintona-Levivski v dokumentah i faktah
  2. 3 50.50
  3. 5 wd1.2-2/s1

  1. 1 Hagenbeck L.
  2. 2 Animal in my life
  3. 3 50.35
  4. 4 7,3
  5. 5 11.46

  1. 2 Merck manual of medicine information
  2. 3 70.1
  3. 4 wd1.1-3/1
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