30 August 1939
From Uktvschedules
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Contents |
BBC Television
Source: Radio Times August 25, 1939.
- 11.00-12.00 'Come And Be Televised'
- Interviewer, Elizabeth Cowell. Direct from Radiolympia
- 15.00 Eve Lister
- in songs. At the piano, Evel Burns
- 15.05 News Film
- British Movietonews
- 15.15 'The Coffin'
- A comedy in one act by John Taylor. Cast: Sam Hubble - Edgar K. Bruce, Herbert Crabtree - Mark Daly, Will Endicott - Ivor Barnard, Lizzie Hubble - Janet Barrow. The scene is laid in the kitchen parlour of Sam Hubble's house in a North Country town. Production by Fred O'Donovan
- 15.45 Don Marino Barreto's Cubans
- 16.00-16.30 The Zoo
- (Details as Monday, 16.00)
- 20.00 National Programme
- (sound only)
- 21.00 Mr. Gillie Potter
- 21.10 An Irving Berlin Programme
- Eric Wild and his Band, with Diana Ward and Gerry Fitzgerald. Presentation by Phillip Bate. To be repeated on September 9
- 21.35 News Film
- Gaumont-British News
- 21.45 The Zoo
- (Details as Monday, 16.00)
- 22.00-22.25 'The Happy Hangman'
- A grotesque by Harold Brighouse. Cast: Nita - Chili Bouchier, Reppo - Ivan Brandt, Pietro - John Lothar, Calandro - Gerald Jerome. Production by Moultrie R. Kelsall