29 March 1939

From Uktvschedules

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BBC Television

Source: Radio Times March 24, 1939.

11.00-12.00 Demonstration Film
15.00 Boat-Race Training 
A visit to Putney, where the Varsity boat-race, crews are training
15.10-16.00 'Dance Without Music' 
a play based upon episodes in the life of Jack Sheppard, by Mervyn Mills. With Guy Glover, Frank Birch, Kathleen Edwardes George Merritt, Ben Field, Margaret Yarde, Olga Edwardes, Ian Dawson, Basil Cunard, Stuart Latham, Jack Allen, Don Gemmell, Adrian Byrne, Elton Hayes, Arthur Owen, Russell Howarth, and Kenneth Barton. Settings designed by Malcolm Baker-Smith. Production by Denis Johnston
20.00 National Programme 
(sound only)
21.00 News Film 
Gaumont-British News
21.10 'The Sleeping Princess' 
The Vic-Wells Ballet (under the direction of Ninette de Valois) present a ballet based on the fairy tale by Perrault. Reproduced by Nicolai Sergueeff after the original choreography by Marius Petipa. Music by Tchaikovsky. Costumes designed by Nadia Benois. With Margot Fonteyn as The Princess Aurora, June Brae as The Lilac Fairy, and Robert Helpmann as Prince Charming. Also Mary Honer, Elizabeth Miller, Pamela May, Ursula Moreton, Joy Newton, Julia Farron, Harold Turner, Frederick Ashton, William Chappell, Frank Staff, John Greenwood, and other members of the Vic-Wells,Company. The Augmented BBC Television Orchestra, leader Boris Pecker, conducted by Constant Lambert. Narration by Elizabeth Cowell. Television presentation by D. H. Munro
22.25-22.45 News Bulletin
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