05 October 1937

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BBC Television

Source: Radio Times October 1, 1937.

11.00-12.00 Demonstration Film
15.00 Round the Film Studios 
No. 1 - Pinewood. Some views of the lovely gardens at Pinewood, where director Alfred Hitchcock will probably be found discussing his new script with his leading lady, Nova Pilbeam
15.15 Bodyline 
No. 1. Winifred Cullis, C.B.E., D.Sc, LL.D., of the Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine for Women, will introduce the first of a series of talks on the Keep Fit Movement. Illustrations of basic physical exercises arranged by the Federal Council of Recreative Physical Training
15.30 News Film 
Gaumont-British News
15.40-16.00 Nonsense 
with Cyril Fletcher, Thurza Rogers and Robert Lascelles, Kathleen Sothcott. At the pianos: Peggy Desmond and Eric Fowler. Presentation by Reginald Smith
21.00 Round the Film Studios 
No. 1 - Pinewood. A final glimpse of film production at Pinewood - Paddy Carstairs directing Janet Johnson and Patrick Barr in Incident in Shanghai
21.15 First Time Here 
with Eve Maxwell-Lyte, Suzanne Stone, and Bobby Rietti. Presentation by Eric Crozier
21.30 News Film 
British Movietonews
21.40-22.00 Cabaret Cartoons 
No. 10. Cartoons by Harry Rutherford. Cabaret by Helen Clare (songs), Clifford Stanton (impressions), Jackie (hand-balancing). Presentation by Cecil Madden
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