05 October 1937
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BBC Television
Source: Radio Times October 1, 1937.
- 11.00-12.00 Demonstration Film
- 15.00 Round the Film Studios
- No. 1 - Pinewood. Some views of the lovely gardens at Pinewood, where director Alfred Hitchcock will probably be found discussing his new script with his leading lady, Nova Pilbeam
- 15.15 Bodyline
- No. 1. Winifred Cullis, C.B.E., D.Sc, LL.D., of the Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine for Women, will introduce the first of a series of talks on the Keep Fit Movement. Illustrations of basic physical exercises arranged by the Federal Council of Recreative Physical Training
- 15.30 News Film
- Gaumont-British News
- 15.40-16.00 Nonsense
- with Cyril Fletcher, Thurza Rogers and Robert Lascelles, Kathleen Sothcott. At the pianos: Peggy Desmond and Eric Fowler. Presentation by Reginald Smith
- 21.00 Round the Film Studios
- No. 1 - Pinewood. A final glimpse of film production at Pinewood - Paddy Carstairs directing Janet Johnson and Patrick Barr in Incident in Shanghai
- 21.15 First Time Here
- with Eve Maxwell-Lyte, Suzanne Stone, and Bobby Rietti. Presentation by Eric Crozier
- 21.30 News Film
- British Movietonews
- 21.40-22.00 Cabaret Cartoons
- No. 10. Cartoons by Harry Rutherford. Cabaret by Helen Clare (songs), Clifford Stanton (impressions), Jackie (hand-balancing). Presentation by Cecil Madden