From Uktvschedules
<style type="text/css"> /* Notes: -You must log as admin to edit this page -Whatever you enter in this page will be added to the html in the header after the standard style sheet, so you can override styles. -if you want your code to look nice on this page, put a space at the beginning of each line -This is the default style sheet that you can override : http://editthis.info/wiki/skins/monobook/main.css For example uncomment this next section to turn all the text green: */ /* body { background: #e1e1e1 url("/images/uktvschedules/e/ea/Logo.gif") 0px 0px no-repeat; } */
/* make a few corners round, only supported by moz/firefox/other gecko browsers for now */
- p-cactions ul li, #p-cactions ul li a { -moz-border-radius-topleft: 0.4em; -moz-border-radius-topright: 0.4em; }
- content { -moz-border-radius-topleft: 0.6em; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 0.6em; }
div.pBody { -moz-border-radius-topright: 0.4em; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 0.4em; }
/* Move the Search Box to the top */
<label for="searchInput"><?php $this->msg('search') ?></label>
<form name="searchform" action="<?php $this->text('searchaction') ?>" id="searchform"> <input id="searchInput" name="search" type="text" <?php if($this->haveMsg('accesskey-search')) { ?>accesskey="<?php $this->msg('accesskey-search') ?>"<?php } if( isset( $this->data['search'] ) ) { ?> value="<?php $this->text('search') ?>"<?php } ?> /> <input type='submit' name="go" class="searchButton" id="searchGoButton" value="<?php $this->msg('go') ?>" /> <input type='submit' name="fulltext" class="searchButton" value="<?php $this->msg('search') ?>" /> </form>
<script type="text/javascript"> //Feel free to add your javascript code here. </script>