26 August 1939

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BBC Television

11.00-12.00 'Come And Be Televised' 
Interviewer, Elizabeth Cowell. Direct from Radiolympia
15.00 'Picture Page' 
(260th edition) A topical magazine. Edited by Cecil Madden. Interviewer: Leslie Mitchell with Joan Miller. Direct from Radiolympia (Details as Thursday, 15.00)
15.30 Catch-As-Catch-Can Wrestling 
A demonstration between Harry Anaconda and Dave Armstrong. Commentary by E. R. Voigt
15.45 Cartoon Film 
Touchdown Mickey
15.50 Leonard Henry 
16.00-16.30 The Zoo 
By permission of the Zoological Society of London, a visit with F. H. Grisewood to the Regent's Park Zoo
20.00 Regional Programme 
(sound only)
21.05 Cabaret 
with Jean Colin, Bood and Bood, Max and Harry Nesbitt, Edward Cooper. Presentation by Reginald Smith
21.35 News Film 
Gaumont-British News
21.45 Interest Film 
A Reporter in Soho
22.05-22.35 'The Coffin' 
A comedy in one act by John Taylor. Cast: Sam Hubble - Edgar K. Bruce, Herbert Crabtree - Mark Daly, Will Endicott - Ivor Barnard, Lizzie Hubble - Janet Barrow. The scene is laid in the kitchen parlour of Sam Hubble's house in a North-Country town. Production by Fred O'Donovan. To be repeated on August 30
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