09 April 1939

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BBC Television

Source: Radio Times April 7, 1939.

15.00 Cartoon Film 
Wise Little Hen
15.05-16.05 'The Pilgrim's Progress' 
by John Bunyan. Adapted for television by H. D. C. Pepler. Incidental music collected and arranged by Lionel Salter. Dances arranged by Antony Tudor. Cast: Bunyan- Dennis Arundell, (by permission of O'Bryen, Linnit, and Dunfee), Christian- Alan Bourne Webb, Evangelist and Envy- Bruce Adams, Pliable and By-Ends- Charles Peters. Obstinate and Clerk to the Court- D. G. Milford, Worldly Wiseman and Judge Hategood- Lawrence Hanray, Hopeful- Guy Verney, Porter and Superstition- Douglas Allen, Discretion- Margaret Pepler (by permission of the Vic-Wells Management), Charity- Kathleen Hilditch (by permission of the Vic-Wells Management) , Prudence- Therese Langfield, Piety- Ann Gee, Apollyon- Alured Weigall, Faithful- Robert Eddison, Talkative and Diffidence- Charlotte Leigh (by permission of Herbert Farjeon), Giant Despair- H. D. C. Pepler, Juror- Wilfred Franks. The BBC Television Orchestra Leader, Boris Pecker Conductor, Hyam Greenbaum. Production by Stephen Thomas. This dramatisation was first televised on Good Friday. Through unforeseen circumstances Alan Bourne Webb was unable to play the part of Christian, and in this repeat performance, Stafford Billiard will once again fill the role
19.55 National Programme 
(sound only)
21.05 Prologue from 'I Pagliacci' 
Pierrot- Percy Heming, Harlequin- Robert Helpmann (by permission of the Vic-Wells Management), Columbine- Margot Fonteyn (by permission of the Vic-Wells Management)
21.15 'The Little Father Of The Wilderness' 
A comedy by Austin Strong and Lloyd Osbourne. Cast: Pere Marlotte- Huntley Wright, Frere Gregoire- Oliver Johnston, Captain Chevillon- S. J. Warmington, Mlle. Henriette- Sandra Storme, Louis XV- Dennis Arundell (by permission of O'Bryen, Linnit, and Dunfee), Chevalier de Frontenac- John Turnbull, Duc de St. Albert- David Tree. Generals, Indians, Ladies, and Courtiers, played by Students of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. Television presentation by D. H. Munro. This and the I Pagliacci prologue were the two opening items at the Royal Matinee attended by Their Majesties the King and Queen at the London Coliseum on Monday, March 27, in aid of the King George's Pension Fund for Actors and Actresses
21.45 Film 
Derby Secrets
21.55-22.10 Interlude 
Florence Hooton (cello), Margot Fonteyn and Robert Helpmann, The BBC Television Orchestra Leader, Boris Pecker, Conductor, Hyam Greenbaum
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