28 March 1939

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BBC Television

Source: Radio Times March 24, 1939.

11.00-12.00 Demonstration Film
15.00-16.30 'The Switchbacks' 
a comedy by James Bridie, intended to demonstrate the Vanity of Human Wishes, the Importance of Being Earnest, the Inevitability of Fate, the Economic Law, the Immortality of the Soul, and the Pleasures of Hope. Cast : James Gibson and Lesley Wareing as Dr. and Mrs. Mallaby, and Meg Buchanan, Tracy Holmes, Alex McCrindle, Marie Orr, Evelyn Roberts, Abraham Sofaer, Wilfrid Walter, and Anne Wilson. Production by Moultrie R. Kelsall
20.00 National Programme 
(sound only)
21.00 'La Chauve-Souris' 
(The Bat Theatre) in selections from their repertoire, including Love in the Ranks, Babi, L'amour fatal, Abduction from the Seraglio, Russian Interlude, Dragonfly, Katinka. With Nicholas Moyseenko as Conferencier. The BBC Television Orchestra, conducted by Alexis Archangelsky. Television presentation by Philip Bate
21.30 News Film 
British Movietonews
21.40 ' Leviathan' 
a survey of sea-monsters, past and present. Historical scenes by Rayner Heppenstall. With Stanley Lathbury, Finlay Currie, Percy Parsons, Kaye Seely, Mario Francelli, Basil Cunard, Bernard Miles, and John Salew. A discussion between Lt.Commander R. T. Gould (author of The Case for the Sea-Serpent) and David Seth-Smith, Curator at the London Zoo with illustrations and eyewitnesses. Production by Stephen Harrison. This programme will be repeated on Sunday, April 2, at 15.20
22.20 Cartoon Film 
Orphans' Benefit
22.25 Film 
Graveyard of Ships
22.35 'Take Your Cue!' 
demonstration of billiards by Sidney Lee
22.45-23.05 News Bulletin
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