09 March 1939

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BBC Television

Source: Radio Times March 3, 1939.

11.00-12.00 Demonstration Film
15.00 Ray Ventura Et Ses Collegiens 
Presentation by Stephen Harrison
15.30 News Film 
British Movietonews
15.40-16.00 'Picture Page' 
(223rd edition). A topical magazine edited by Cecil Madden and produced by Arthur Ozmond. Introducing Henry Sherek's Chester Hale Girls from the Dorchester Hotel. Interviewer : Leslie Mitchell with Joan Miller
20.15 Regional Programme 
(sound only),
20.50 Interval
21.00 'Oleograph' 
an entertainment combining amusement with instruction and moral improvement at the Olographic Hall in the year 1880. Invented and edited by Harold Scott and W. L. Hanchant. Cast : Philip Godfrey, Harry Hilliard, Gillian Hume, Charlotte Leigh, Queenie Leonard, William Stephens. Dances arranged by Marian Wilson. Production by Desmond Davis. This programme will be repeated on Friday, March 17, at 15.30
21.30 News Film 
Gaumont-British News
21.45 Cartoon Film
Monkey Melodies
21.50 'Picture Page' 
(224th edition) (Details as 15.40, except that the Chester Hale Girls will not appear)
22.20-22.40 News Bulletin
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