21 February 1939

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BBC Television

Source: Radio Times February 17, 1939.

11.00-12.00 Demonstration Film
15.00 Intimate Cabaret 
Corliss and Palmer (American duettists)
15.15 Cartoon Film 
The Pet Store
15.20 News Film 
Gaumont-British News
15.30-16.00 'Fantastic Garden' 
(Second Edition). A programme of song, dance and orchestral music with Jacqueline Faint, Prudence Hyman, Walter Gore, Guy Massey, Leo Kersley, Elizabeth Darbishire, and Eric Starling. Dances arranged by Walter Gore. The BBC Television Orchestra, leader Boris Pecker, conductor Hyam Greenbaum. Production by Philip Bate
19.50 Regional Programme 
(sound only)
21.00 Coliseum Night 
By permission of Sir Oswald Stoll, the first half of the current Variety programme, with Constance Evans, Edison and Louise, George Dorlis, Renee Houston and Donald Stewart, and the Australian Air Aces, will be televised direct from the London Coliseum
22.00 News Film 
British Movietonews
22.10 Friends From The Zoo 
introduced by David Seth-Smith and their keepers
22.25-22.45 News Bulletin
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