18 February 1939

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BBC Television

Source: Radio Times February 10, 1939.

11.00-12.00 Demonstration Film
15.00 The Jacquard Puppets 
presented by John Carr
15.10 News Film 
Gaumont-British News
15.20-16.00 'Fat King Melon And Princess Caraway' 
by A. P. Herbert. Incidental music by Dennis Arundell. With Eric Fawcett, Vivien Lambelet, Maureen Glynne, Madge Brindley, Amy Dalby, Lorraine Clues, Gerald Nodin, Robert Syers, Desmond Keith. Chorus and Orchestra under the direction of Henry Bronkhurst. Dances under the direction of Marian Wilson. Production by Fred O'Donovan
20.00 National Programme 
(sound only)
21.00 Eastern Cabaret 
with Galli Galli (conjurors), Reine Paulet (Arabic songs), Effy and Halima (an Arabian novelty), Bill Pedersen and Buddy, Douglas Young, and Cyril Fletcher (compere). Presentation by Harry Pringle
21.50 News Film 
British Movietonews
22.00 'Columnists And Their Victims' 
Famous names and those who make them into news will take part in a Jumble Bee in which senses, sense, and sensibility will be put to the test. Oliver St. John Gogarty will keep the peace between Patrick Balfour, Lord Donegall, A. G. Macdonell, and D. B. Wyndham Lewis on the one side, and Sarah Bowes-Lyon, C. B. Cochran, C. K. Munro, and Lady Eleanor Smith on the other. Devised and presented by Mary Adams and Andrew Miller-Jones
22.30-22.50 News Bulletin
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