28 January 1939

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BBC Television

Source: Radio Times January 20, 1939.

11.00-12.00 Demonstration Film
15.00 The Hogarth Puppet Circus 
presented by Ann Hogarth and Jan Bussell, assisted by Kitty Tyzack
15.10 Cartoon Film 
Lullaby Land
15.15 Cabaret 
(Details as Thursday, 21.00).
15.50-16.00 Film 
Sky High
20.00 National Programme 
(sound only)
21.00 'More Fun And Games!' 
(Details as Thursday, 15.00)
21.30 Table Tennis Championships 
By permission of the English Table Tennis Association and Wembley Stadium, Ltd., the National Table Tennis Championship Finals will be televised (conditions permitting) direct from the Empire Pool, Wembley
22.00 'Rehearsal For A Drama' 
(Details as Monday, 15.25)
22.35-22.55 News Bulletin
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