12 January 1939

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BBC Television

Source: Radio Times January 6, 1939.

11.00-12.00 Demonstration Film.
15.00 'Re-view' 
8th edition. Songs and scenes from bygone shows remembered by William Stephens, with Phyllis Monkman, Arthur Marshall, Patricia Leonard, Graham Payn, William Stephens, and Queenie Leonard. At the pianos, Roy Ellis and Geoffrey Wright. Production by Reginald Smith
15.30-16.00 'Picture Page' 
(207th edition). A topical magazine edited by Cecil Madden and produced by Lanham Titchener. Interviewer : Leslie Mitchell with Joan Miller
21.00 Western Cabaret 
(Details as Tuesday, 15.00, except that Will and Gladys Ahearn appear instead of Bob Dyer)
21.45 'Picture Page' 
(208th edition). (Details as 15.30)
22.15-22.35 News Bulletin
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