19 October 1937

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BBC Television

Source: Radio Times October 15, 1937.

11.00-12.00 Demonstration Film
15.00 Round the Film Studios 
No. 2 - Denham (by courtesy of London Film Productions, Ltd.). Vivien Leigh will accompany the television cameras to a corner of the grounds known as 'the river lot'
15.10 Lisa Minghetti 
(violin) and the BBC Television Orchestra, leader, Bore Pecker, conductor Hyam Greenbaum
15.25 News Film 
Gaumont-British News
15.35-16.00 'The Happy Journey To Trenton And Camden 
A comedy by Thornton Wilder. Mrs. Kirby- Joan Miller. Mr. Kirby- Guy Glover. Caroline and Arthur (their children)- Margaret Brereton and Skelton Knaggs. Beulah, their married daughter- Elaine Wodson. A garage hand- Frank Secker. The music composed by George Knopler and played by Harold Stuteley, Herman Levy, Ken Gray, Gilbert Webster. Production by Eric Crozier
21.00 Lisa Minghetti 
(Details as 15.10)
21.15 Body Line 
No. 2. Representative work of the Boys' Clubs, described by Major A. H. Gem
21.30 Round the Film Studios 
No. 2 - Denham (by courtesy of London Film Productions, Ltd.). Viewers will see Milton Rosmer making a shot with Joan Gardner for The Challenge, a story of the Matterhorn based on the life and experiences of Edward Whymper
21.40-22.00 Cabaret 
with Terry and Dorice Kendal (dancers), Scott Sanders (comedian), Jack Warner and Partner. Presentation by Harry Pringle
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