08 October 1937

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BBC Television

Source: Radio Times October 1, 1937.

11.00-12.00 Demonstration Film
15.00 Peggy Cochrane 
in selections from her repertoire
15.10 Clifford Stanton 
in impressions
15.20 News Film 
British Movietonews
15.30-16.00 'Waterloo' 
a play by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Corporal Gregory Brewster- Wilfred Shine. Sergeant Archie McDonald, R.A.- Alexander Fields. Colonel James Midwinter, Royal Scots Guards- Robert English. Norah Brewster- Mary Kerridge. The scene is a front room in a small house in Woolwich, June, 1881. Production by George More O'Ferrall
21.00 Bolero 
by Ravel, played by the BBC Television Orchestra, leader, Boris Pecker, conductor, Hyam Greenbaum
21.15 News Film 
Gaumont-British News
21.25 O Rare Ben Johnson 
The tercentenary of the great wit, poet, and dramatist will be the occasion of a talk by G. B. Harrison, Ph.D. with illustrations from the National Portrait Gallery
21.35-22.00 'Waterloo' 
(Details as 15.30)
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