23 December 1938

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BBC Television

Source: Radio Times December 16, 1938.

11.00-12.00 Demonstration Film
15.00-16.30 'The Ringer' 
by Edgar Wallace, with Cecil Parker, Gina Malo, Henry Oscar, Garry Marsh, Lydia Sherwood, Ivor Barnard, Jack Livesey, Norman Claridge, Neville Brook, Wally Patch, Peter Ashmore, Marjorie Rhodes, Eric Noels, and Reginald Brooke. Production by Royston Morley
21.00 Grandfather's Follies 
Cabaret from Grosvenor House. Presentation by Cecil Madden
21.25 News Film 
Gaumont-British News
21.35 The Jacquard Puppets 
presented by John Carr
21.50 Cartoon Film 
China Shop
21.55 'The Gourmet's Christmas' 
by Marcel Boulestin
22.10 The Director Of Television 
in the witness-box
22.20-22.40 News Bulletin 
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