24 October 1938

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BBC Television

Source: Radio Times October 21, 1938.

11.00-12.00 Demonstration Film
15.00 Dowsing 
C. H. Middleton's garden in Alexandra Park will be the scene of an experiment in water divining and dowsing for metals. Three dowsers, Captain W. H. Trinder, T. Bedford Franklin, and Edward Dixon, will show their skill in the presence of an impartial observer, B. A. Keen, D.Sc, Assistant Director of the Rothamsted Experimental Station. Listeners to the National programme will hear a commentary by S. J. de Lotbiniere
15.20 News Film 
British Movietonews
15.30-16.00 'Pest Pilot' 
an epic of the air. Book, lyrics, and music by Roger MacDougall and Allan MacKinnon. With Queenie Leonard and Eric Fawcett. Production by Moutrie R. Kelsall
21.00 'Poetic Justice' 
a Telecrime by Arthur Phillips. Cast : Maloney, a detective- Frank Thornton-Bassett ; Curtis, a detective- Charles Farrell; Sadie- Joan Miller ; Snake Sullivan- Jon Farrell ; Doc, a police surgeon- Peter Madden. Production by Eric Crozier
21.20 News Film
Gaumont-British News
21.30 'Your Television Set' 
1. A Senior Television Engineer will show viewers how to obtain a good picture by use of the visual tuning signal
21.40 Cartoon Film
Babes in the Wood
21.45 'Pandora' 
a ballet for television. The music from Bach and Scarlatti arranged by Cyril Clarke. Choreography by Katrina Tamarova. With Wendy Toye, Frank Staff, Olive Deacon, Freda Farley, Jeanette Alexander, Yvonne Alexander, Peggy Dodgson, Daphne Cunnison, and Katrina Tamarova. The BBC Television Orchestra, leader Boris Pecker, conductor Hyam Greenbaum. Production by Philip Bate
22.05-22.25 News Bulletin 
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