19 October 1938

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BBC Television

Source: Radio Times October 14, 1938.

11.00-12.00 Demonstration Film
14.30 North Weald Aerodrome 
By permission of the Air Ministry, viewers will see some of the daily routine at an R.A.F. aerodrome, and the latest warplanes both on the ground and in the air
15.15-16.00 'The Piper' 
(Details as Sunday, 21.05)
21.00 'The Emperor's New Clothes' 
a Hans Andersen story told by Paul Leyssac in his own translation
21.10 Cartoon Film 
Playful Pluto
21.15 'New Clothes For Old' 
A practical demonstration by Joan E. Daniels of how to bring last year's clothes up to date
21.30 News Film 
British Movietonews
21.40 'Re-View' 
(6th Edition). Songs and scenes from bygone shows, remembered and produced by Reginald Smith. With Phyllis Monkman, Patricia Leonard, Billy Kershaw, Eric Fawcett, and William Stephens. At The pianos, Roy Ellis and Dennis Van Thal
22.10-22.30 News Bulletin 
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