09 October 1938

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BBC Television

Source: Radio Times October 7, 1938.

20.50 News Bulletin 
from the National programme
21.05 'Jacob And Esau' 
a masque with music by Fred Emery. The BBC Television Orchestra, leader, Boris Pecker, conductor, Hyam Greenbaum. Production by H. D. C. Pepler and Stephen Thomas
21.15 Film 
Mountain Waters of Natal
21.35-22.55 'Trelawny Of The Wells' 
by Arthur W. Pinero. Tyrone Guthrie's production from the Old Vic. With Sophie Stewart, Hermione Hannen, O. B. Clarence, Anthony Quayle, Andre Morell, Freda Jackson, Nora Nicholson, Lorna Whitehouse, Anthony Howard. Television presentation by George More O'Ferrall
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