26 March 1938

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BBC Television

Source: Radio Times March 18, 1938.

11.00-12.00 Demonstration Film
14.40 Head Of The River Race 
Television cameras will be installed on the river bank to witness (conditions permitting) the progress of the 133 crews participating in this race. A descriptive commentary will be given by George Drinkwater
15.00 Gardening
'Rose-Pruning'. C. H. Middleton
15.10 'A Valuable Rival' 
a Scottish comedy by Neil F. Grant, with James Woodburn (by permission of Gilbert Miller), as Alexander Jameson, Ethel Glendinning as Maggie Jameson, and Jack Lambert as William Bain. Production by Moultrie R. Kelsall .
15.30 News Item 
Gaumont-British News
15.40-16.10 Cabaret 
with Reine Paulet, Continental songs ; Syd Walker, comedian ; Johnson Clarke, ventriloquist ; The Geddes Brothers, comedy instrumentalists ; Metura and Morel, dancers. Presentation by Harry Pringle
21.00 'Spring's In The Air' 
Scenes from W. Johnstone-Douglas and Amherst Webber's Chanticleer Theatre revue. Book by Stafford Byrne and Mary Dunn. Music by Temple Abady and Wainwright Morgan. Produced for television by Reginald Smith
21.25 News Item 
British Movietonews
21.35-22.00 'Count Albany' 
Wyndham Goldie as Prince Charles Edward Stuart in an historical invention by Donald Carswell, with Elliot Mason, Dennis Arundell, John Rae, Max Adrian, George Connack. Production by Moultrie R. Kelsall
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