25 December 1976

From Uktvschedules

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Source: TV & Radio Bits http://www.tvradiobits.co.uk/tellyyears

08.40 Ragtime
08.55 Sing Noel! 
with pupils of Essex schools
09.45 Hong Kong Phooey
10.09 Weather
10.10 Angela Rippon 
appeals for Television for the Deaf
10.15 Christmas Morning Service from Coventry
11.15 Rod Hull and Emu 
Sing a Christmas Song
11.45 FILM- Four Clowns 
starring Laurel and Hardy, Charley Chase and Buster Keaton
13.20 Holiday on Ice
14.10 Top of the Pops 
with Noel Edmonds and DLT
15.00 The Queen
15.15 Billy Smart's Christmas Circus
16.15 FILM- Oliver!
18.35 Evening News
18.45 Bruce Forsyth and the Generation Game
19.45 The Morecambe and Wise Christmas Show 
with guests Elton John and Angela Rippon
20.45 FILM- Airport
22.55 News
23.00 The Parkinson Magic Show
00.10-00.12 Weather


Source: TV & Radio Bits http://www.tvradiobits.co.uk/tellyyears

12.10 Reflections
12.15 Horizon 
The Mystery of King Arthur and his Round Table
13.05 Play Away
13.40 Carols from King's
15.00 The Queen
15.15 The Snow Queen
16.20 Alice Through the Looking-Glass
17.30 Audition
17.35 News on 2
17.45 Aika, The Polar Bear
18.35 Forty Years 
A raid on the archives of BBC Television
21.20 Late News on 2
21.25 Survival in Limbo
22.15 Sing all ye Faithful

23.00-01.00 FILM- Christmas with Cagney: Yankee Doodle Dandy

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