14 May 1938

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BBC Television

Source: Radio Times May 6, 1938.

15.00 Polo
By courtesy of the Hurlingham Club, viewers will see (conditions permitting) the first and last two chukkas of the Whitney Cup Final, direct from Hurlingham
15.15 Cabaret 
(Details as Thursday, 21.00)
15.40 Cartoon Film 
15.45-16.00 Polo 
(Details as 15.00)
21.00 'After Dinner' 
(Details as Tuesday, 15.00)
21.35 News Film
Gaumont-British News
21.45 'Rory Aforesaid' 
a West Highland comedy by John Brandane founded on the fifteenth-century French play, 'La Farce de Maitre Patelin'. Production by Moultrie R. Kelsall
22.15-22.35 News Bulletin
A recording of the Third News from the National programme
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