13 August 1938

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BBC Television

Source: Radio Times August 5, 1938.

15.00 European Swimming Championships 
(Details as Monday, 15.00)
15.20 'Banana Royal'
A revue. Book and lyrics by David Yates Mason. Music by Geoffrey Wright. At the pianos: Roy Ellis and Dennis van Thal. Produced by Reginald Smith
15.50-16.10 European Swimming Championships
By permission of Wembley Stadium Ltd., a television visit to the Empire Pool, Wembley, to see some of the events being contested
21.00 'King Of The Congo' 
An Epic of the Jungle by Roger MacDougall and Allan MacKinnon, with music by Roger MacDougall. The BBC Television Orchestra ; leader, Boris Pecker ; conductor, Hyam Greenbaum. Produced by Moultrie R. Kelsall
21.40 News Film 
British Movietonews
21.62-22.00 Telecrime (No. 1) 
The Back-Stage Murder by Mileson Horton and H. T. Hopkinson
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