11 January 1950

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BBC Television

Source: Radio Times (Midland Edition) 8-14 January 1950.

11.00-12.00 Demonstration Film
15.00 For The Children

For Young Children

  • 15.00 Dream Pictures 
    Seven songs from ‘A Child’s Garden of Verses’ by Robert Louis Stevenson. Set to music and played by Teresa del Riego.

For Older Children

  • 15.15 Three Characters from ‘David Copperfield’ 
    Bransby Williams

For All Children

  • 15.30-16.00 Zoo Life 
    The camel and the llama. Three types of monkey. Animal pets. Chimpanzees at tea. Televised from London Zoo.
20.00 Animal Armour 
at the London Zoo. From Skunk to Spitting Cobra. Mrs. GS Cansdale, the Superintendent of the Zoo, displays a number of animals with sharply contrasting methods of self-preservation.
20.30 Song Session 
A band show by Nat Allen and his Orchestra.
21.00 Picture Page 
A topical magazine. Leslie Mitchell.
21.45 Newsreel 
(repeat of Monday’s edition)
22.00-22.15 News 
(sound only)
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