09 April 1963

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Source: TV & Radio Bits http://www.tvradiobits.co.uk/tellyyears

10.30-10.45 Watch with Mother- Andy Pandy
12.15-12.55 Out of School
  • 12.15 A Year in the Country
  • 12.35 People of Many Lands
13.00 Newyddion- Heddiw 
News followed by magazine show (Wenvoe, Holme Moss, Sutton Coldfield, Crystal Palace only)
13.25 The News
13.30-14.00 Living Today 
Around and about the Home, with Richard Waring
17.00 The Apple Tree and The Golden Fruit
17.30 For Deaf Children 
introduced by Joan Turner
17.50 The News
18.00 Regional news magazines 
(London and South East: Town and Around with Michael Aspel)
18.25 The 625 Show 
with Jimmy Young
18.50 Tonight 
Look around with Cliff Michelmore
19.29 Headline News
19.30 Compact
19.55 This Is Your Life
20.25 The Defenders 
A film series of courtroom drama
21.15 The News
21.25 Overkill 
The Balance of Hope
22.15 International Concert Hall 
Wanda Wilkomirska plays with the Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra
23.00 Late Night News
23.10 The Final Conflict 
Roger Delgado reads from the New English Bible
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