08 June 1946

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BBC Television

Source: TV & Radio Bits http://www.tvradiobits.co.uk/tellyyears (Radio Times 2-8 June 1946)

10.50-13.15 The Victory Parade 
The programme starts shortly before the arrival at the saluting base of the Royal Coach with their Majesties and Princesses. Viewers watch the parade from a position just opposite the saluting base, and until the start of the march past they have an opportunity of seeing the many well-known personages sitting near the Royal party.
15.00 Friends from the Zoo
15.20 The Squadronnaires 
conducted by Jimmy Miller (with permission of Butlins Holiday Camps)
15.50-16.00 Film
Viewers will be taken to Westminster to see the crowd assembling there for the evening celebrations. Franklin Engelmann and Derek Baker will interview some of the spectators
20.30 Cabaret Cartoons 
Cartoons by Harry Rutherford
21.30 Film
21.40 Koringa 
The sensational circus performer with her crocodiles
21.55 Fashion Forecast 
How to choose a hat
22.15-22.25 News 
(sound only)
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