07 June 1946

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BBC Television

Source: TV & Radio Bits http://www.tvradiobits.co.uk/tellyyears (Radio Times 2-8 June 1946)

15.00 Reopening of the BBC Television Service 
by the Postmaster General, the Earl of Listowel. The programme includes a dance by Margot Fonteyn
15.15 Mickey's Gala Premiere 
This cartoon film was the last item transmitted before the BBC Television Service was interrupted on Friday 1st September 1939
15.30 Variety Party 
introducing Mantovani and his orchestra, Jackie Hunter the Canadian comedian, Kay Cavendish ('Kay on the keys'), The Three Admirals, and others
15.50-16.15 The Dark Lady of the Sonnets 
by George Bernard Shaw. Shakespeare played by Henry Oscar, Queen Elizabeth played by Dorothy Black. Followed by Closedown
20.30 Film
20.40 Geraldo 
and his orchestra
21.10 The Silence of the Sea 
A television play of 'Le Silence de la Mer' by Vercors
22.00 News Maps 1939-1946 
JF Horrabin returns to illustrate the news with maps, diagrams and pictures. Presented by Mary Adams
22.30-22.40 News 
(sound only)
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