03 April 1938

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BBC Television

Source: Radio Times April 1, 1938.

11.00-12.00 Demonstration Film
15.00-15.30 'Rowing 'Blues'
a review of the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Races from 1829 to 1938, devised by Alick Hayes and presented by Philip Done, direct from Chiswick
20.50 News 
from the National programme
21.05 Lisa Peru 
with the BBC Television Orchestra, leader Boris Pecker, conductor Hyam Greenbaum. Presentation by Dallas Bower
21.20 Cartoon Film 
Monkey Melodies
21.25 News Film
Gaumont-British News
21.35-22.35 'Will Shakespeare' 
by Clemence Dane. Will Shakespeare- Henry Oscar. Anne- Margaretta Scott. Mrs. Hathaway- Barbara Everest. Henslowe- Basil Gill. Queen Elizabeth- Nance Price. Mary Fitton- Margaret Rawlings. Kit Marlowe- Esmond Knight. Landlord- Eugene Leahy. Boy- Robin Maule ; and supporting cast. Decor by Peter Bax. Production by George More O'Ferral
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