21 May 1939

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BBC Television

Source: Radio Times May 19, 1939.

15.00 Enid Purdie 
her gramophone, her piano, and herself
15.10 Film  
London Wakes Up
15.30-16.00 'The Deacon And The Jewess' 
A play by H. F. Rubinstein. Cast: Benedict the Pointer. Jew of Oxford - Abraham Sofaer, Hannah, his sister - Olive Walter, Vives - Rollo Gamble, Simon - Albert Lieven, Leo - Hilary Pritchard, Joia - Elizabeth Greenhill, Gilbert, a student - Martin Walker, Robert, a deacon - Reginald Tate, Winifred, a maidservant - Hilda Schroder. The scene is Oxford Jewry in September, 1221. Production by Eric Crozier
19.55 National Programme 
(sound only)
21.05 Szigeti 
playing Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto in E minor, with the BBC Television Orchestra, conductor, Hyam Greenbaum
21.30 Film 
The Plow that Broke the Plains. Written and directed by Pare Lorentz. Music by Virgil Thompson
22.00-22.40 'Bee For Boulestin' 
or 'Blind-Man's-Buffet'. Does food taste the same when you cannot see it? Could you tell blind-fold if you are eating Gruyere or Gorgonzola? Marcel Boulestin, Robin Adair, and a company of well-known gourmets hope to find out. Presentation by Mary Adams
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