24 March 1939

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BBC Television

Source: Radio Times March 17, 1939.

11.00-12.00 Demonstration Film
15.00 News Film 
Gaumont-British News
The television programme will be interrupted from approximately 15.10 to 15.30 to enable viewers to hear the commentary on the Grand National to be relayed from Aintree. Viewers will see a plan of the course
15.30 Vanity Fair 
Paris Fashion adapted for the Englishwoman, described by Bettie Cameron Smail. Presentation by Andrew Miller Jones
15.45 Marcel Boulestin 
describes 'Rouget Marseillaise' — Un plat national
16.00-16.10 'In The Barber's Chair' 
No. 2— 'The Budget', by Reginald Arkell. With Charles Heslop as Percy Ponsonby
20.00 National Programme 
(sound only)
21.00 Marcel Boulestin 
describes 'Rouget Marseillaise' — Un plat national
21.15 Vanity Fair 
Paris fashion adapted for the Englishwoman, described by Bettie Cameron Smail. Presentation by Andrew Miller Jones
21.30 'The Switchback' 
a comedy by James Bridie, intended to demonstrate the Vanity of Human Wishes, the Importance of Being Earnest, the Inevitability of Fate, the Economic Law, the Immortality of the Soul, and the Pleasure of Hope. Cast: James Gibson and Lesley Wareing as Dr. and Mrs. Mallaby, and Meg Buchanan, Tracy Holmes, Alex McCrindle, Murrie Orr, Anthony Shaw, Abraham Sofaer, Wilfrid Walter, and Anne Wilson. Production by Moultrie R. Kelsall. This programme will be repeated on Tuesday, March 28, at 15.00
23.00-23.20 News Bulletin
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