20 August 1938

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BBC Television

Source: Radio Times August 12, 1938.

11.30-12.30 The Fifth Test Match 
from the Oval. By permission of the Surrey County Cricket Club, the Fifth Test Match between England and Australia will be televised (conditions permitting) direct from Kennington Oval
14.30-15.00 Test Match
15.30 Dennis Van Thal 
and his Orchestra
15.45-16.30 Test Match
18.00-18.30 Test Match
21.00 Catch-As-Catch-Can 
A wrestiling demonstration by Ruben Wright of America and Leo Lefevre of Canada. Commentator, E.R. Voigt
21.20 News Film 
Gaumont-British News
21.30 Cabaret 
With Concha and Concha, Fred Duprez, Gaston Palmer, Lona Cross, Dennis van Thal's Orchestra. Presented by Desmond Davis
22.00 Cartoon Film 
Mickey's Revue
22.05 Wilfrid Walter 
in Original Sketches
22.15 Interval Music
22.25-22.45 News Bulletin 
A recording of the Third News from the National Programme
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