Gutsy Gibbon

From Ubuntu Support

Revision as of 20:25, 19 November 2007 by Some guy (Talk | contribs)

This page describes how to install certain features into the Ubuntu distribution Gutsy Gibbon. I am making it for my own benefit so I can help people install Ubuntu and get everything going, but I will be glad if others benefit from this page. I cannot attest to the accuracy of anything here and I am not a linux expert.



(Please note these instructions for for version 0.93 of transmission, alteration may be needed for different instructions)

I use Transmission for Bit Torrent on Ubuntu, it is not as good as µTorrent but does a good job. The version supported as an Ubuntu package is not as good as the newest version. To install the newest version of Transmission BitTorrent client:

NTFS read write

One of the common windows file systems is NTFS. When installed Ubuntu only has read access to these drives. To allow write access:

Go to "Applications->Add/Remove". In the Show drop down menu select All available applications. In the search box type "NTFS". Check the check box by "NTFS Configuration Tool". Click "Apply changes".

Now under "Applications->System tools->NTFS Configuration Tool" you can turn NTFS write access on and off for internal and external drives.

XMMS audio player

This audio player is almost identical to winamp in appearance and features. It has plug-ins that support most major audio formats.

sudo apt-get install xmms

You can now find XMMS program under "Applications->Sound & Video->XMMS"

Audio formats in xmms

Supported already
sudo apt-get install xmms-wma
sudo apt-get install xmms-shn
sudo apt-get install libmac2 xmms-mac
Instructions needed
  • Close an open xmms if it is already open.

VLC video player

With this player most video files will just play. Exceptions include quicktime and real media files which do not play in VLC.

sudo apt-get install vlc

You can now find VLC program under "Applications->Sound & Video->VLC media player"

Pile of video codecs

Confirmed to get Real Media files working in totem movie player(which should be already installed by default), otherwise untested.

Video codecs
sudo aptitude install gstreamer0.10-pitfdll gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-gl gstreamer0.10-plugins-base gstreamer0.10-plugins-good gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse libxine-extracodecs w32codecs
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