Character Bios

From Tzh Cyoa

Revision as of 16:00, 24 March 2008 by Admin (Talk | contribs)


The squad

Information about the squad can be found here. When a squad member is first written, please add their information here. This is to provide a reference and to avoid making several of one character. Information should include their name, age, date of birth (Date and month only), gender, eye colour, height, infected status, assignment/duration and equipment they start with. If anyone is feeling arty and decides to do a picture of a team member, please feel free to put that in here too. Please note that this information can change as the story progresses, and that these changes will not be mentioned here.

If there are any replacements or non-team characters introduced, please provide their details here too and a link to where they are first introduced. Replacements will occur if a hunter is killed or gives reason to be fired.

Demolition Expert

  • Name: John 'Bear' Phillips

Age: 47

Date of birth: 3 Oct

Gender: M

Eye colour: brown

Height: 6'4

Infected status: Infected

Assignment/duration: Explosives/Under Review

Equipment they start with: Hunter's axe, 3x pipe bombs, 1x frag grenade, 10 pre-prepared Semtex charges, 1x plunger type detonator, 2x reels of wire, wire cutters. Explosives kept in satchel. Cigar box containing various pre-outbreak and home made cigars.

Before the outbreak, John was known as 'That crazy redneck' by most people who knew him. He spent most of his days brewing moonshine, drinking it or fishing with dynamite. After reaching ARC, John gladly signed up to be a Zombie Hunter because, in his own words, "'S the only way I get ta blow shit up, ain't it?"

Image of John made using HeroMachine. Not particularly good, but meh.


Name: Tracey Downs.

Age: 22

Gender: Female.

Date of Birth: July 20th

Eye colour: Green

Height: 5'8

Infected status: Infected

Assignment/duration: Medical assistant/ Pernament


A Large medical pack (including: 10 metres of Gauze, 500ml of Antiseptic, Packet of Bandages, Splint, 5 Slings.) , A napsack, a handgun, ten clips, roll of string and three lunch rolls.

Tracey was born during the infection, and to infected parents. She joined the Zombie hunters three days after her 19th birthday. She has been in thirty different missions during her three years on the job. She has only once visited a black sector, and it mentally scarred her. She came back harder, but her fun bubbly attitude is still very apparent, which she calls a blessing. Her favorite saying is from the very old ramones song blitzcrieg Bop, "Hey HO, LETS GO!"


  • Captain- Gender: Female

Please write a bio for this character.


  • Sharpshooter

Name: Simon

Gender: Male

Please come up with a suitable bio for this character.


Please come up with a suitable bio for this character.


Please come up with a suitbale bio for this chatacter.

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